45 Questions 275 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kjartan Skogly Kversøy
Not so long ago I was asked to participate in qualitative research. This was an in depth intervju and I was assured anonymity. I said that I would only participate under my full name. The...
01 January 2019 1,379 6 View
I am looking for RG members who have read this book. And would really like to know what caught your attention in the book and what you discovered reading it.
01 January 1970 8,296 8 View
John Dewey (1917) writes in his article "The need for recovery of philosophy" - in the book "Creative intellegence: Essays in the pragmatic attitude") that philosophy is useless unless it is about...
01 January 1970 2,437 4 View
In the book "Reflexive Methodology" the authors Mats Alvesson and Kaj Sköldberg (2009) challenges researchers to reflect systematically over their research methodology. For you, what is reflective...
01 January 1970 6,346 6 View
In the book «Science in a Free Society», Paul Feyerabend is concerned with the power challenges between specialists and the people the problems actually concern. He askes the above given question:...
01 January 1970 3,779 6 View
What are your thoughts on the claim that schools are so set apart, so isolated from the ordinary conditions and motives of life, that it is the one place in the world where it is most difficult to...
01 January 1970 7,075 2 View
Through projects like https://www.gutenberg.org a lot of old books that are past their copyright period (often 70 years or more old) are being made available free online. For many students this is...
01 January 1970 904 11 View
I am worried about the reasons we do and publish research. One of the challenges is how we understand relevance. What does it mean that the research you do is relevant?
01 January 1970 8,789 16 View
There are some articles that engage me and challeges my thinking. I would love to hear what makes you like an article?
01 January 1970 1,753 5 View
I am very interested to hear what awakens your interest and makes you pay attention when you are attending a lecture? Do you think that this is any different than what triggers your students?
01 January 1970 2,652 9 View
There is criticism that the education and research that in many cases is offered in universities is not as relevant as it could be. Some companies even offer their own education and training...
01 January 1970 6,367 3 View
In trying to understand the beginnings of the city of Delhi in India the Mahabharata is often thought of as one of its oldest sources. How historical do scholars today believe the Mahabharata is...
01 January 1970 6,188 2 View
There is a large production of wooden pencils in India. It would be very interesting to get to know more about how this industry developed in India. Does anyone know about articles related to...
01 January 1970 8,980 15 View
In your opinion, is it trust and cooperation developed through independent and free child rearing, or hard work with focus on reaching the top through strict child rearing, that, in your opinion,...
01 January 1970 1,482 5 View
Many university employees will claim that, depending on the institution's policies, they can require that their students check email frequently. What would you say it is to be reasonable in...
01 January 1970 9,363 3 View
Patients with damage to the brain in areas that contain executive functions can often struggle with getting in to action and handeling a lot of information at the same time. How can these patiens...
01 January 1970 4,831 1 View
For youth, as for everyone else, life here and now is important and urgent. It is not easy to be continuously motivated for preparing for an unknown future. Motivational energy seems to be closely...
01 January 1970 2,516 2 View
It can be claimed that the emergence of a better world in many ways is connected to our ability to understand the situation of other people. How can teachers facilitate this development of empathy?
01 January 1970 3,039 5 View
Many students struggle with understanding academic texts. On one side this can possibly be due to the amount of effort the struggling students use to understand the texts. I would also like to...
01 January 1970 8,952 8 View
Master students typically put a lot of work into their master projects and documentation. How can we facilitate this work in a way that it can be usefull and benefit society to a greater degree?...
01 January 1970 8,051 3 View
I am concerned that students do not read enough and do not read effectively? Does anyone have successful experiences with this?
01 January 1970 5,040 20 View
In one of my courses we had been working a lot with enmancipation and participation. One of my very capable students challenged me, in a pleasant way, and asked if the students could take turns at...
01 January 1970 10,090 15 View
What are the most common assessment practices among teachers/academic staff at the schools/universities you know? ... and do you know anything about the students' preferences when it comes to...
01 January 1970 3,756 30 View
It is a simple fact that what students experience is relevant for them in their life here and in the future, and what is interresting and engaging, brings more learning energy «to the table». How...
01 January 1970 2,284 18 View
It is a challenge to get students to take control over their own learning process. What strategies do you have to empower your students? How do you take an active role to facilitate this? What...
01 January 1970 9,273 7 View
Universities like Aarhus University and Oslo Metropolitan University offer academic guidance in groups of four to eight students. Does your university offer collective academic guidance? What is...
01 January 1970 9,234 3 View
In many schools in Norway children bring their own food, often a simple sandwich, and are told to eat their food individually, not talking, in the middle of the school day within 10-15 minutes. I...
01 January 1970 7,200 7 View
Children and youth love to explore things that are interesting. How can we utilize this positive energy in our schools? How do classrooms look that makes this work? I am looking for examples.
01 January 1970 5,603 33 View
When I sum up the things I remember, the shining moments and what I feel I actually learned through my 12 first years at school, the sum of it all seems surprisingly small. I feel the need to...
01 January 1970 7,359 11 View
It would be interesting to hear if there are any practical differences, if any, in how guidance and counselling are done at your university/school. How do you understand the differences between...
01 January 1970 596 9 View
Some claim that the primary school curriculum is outdatet and not relevant for the world our children and youth live in and in the future will work in. If you could make changes to the primary and...
01 January 1970 2,011 6 View
Children in many countries do very little handwriting anymore. Is this really a problem? Is it time to stop using time to learn handwriting in school? What can we gain from this? What do we lose?
01 January 1970 3,914 13 View
The teacher John Taylor Gatto was selected New York State's Teacher of the Year in 1991. He argues that: "Children learn what they live" (Ayers 2004, p. 37). He claimed that schools of today are...
01 January 1970 7,994 7 View
He writes: "I came to teaching when I was 20 years old. I visited a friend's classroom where a group of happy youngsters embraced me and drew me into their play, an enchanted world of their own...
01 January 1970 259 2 View
I am interested in hearing on how different researchers give credit to co-researchers that do essential practical exploration work and experiments in their projects, but are not taking part...
01 January 1970 6,903 7 View
I have a challenge that it would be interesting to get other teacher educators to try out with their own students. I have asked my own teacher students to tell me and each other about their best...
01 January 1970 5,542 20 View
Dr. Sugata Mitra claims than we should not be worried about children that share screens in learning situations. Computer screens can be participatory, social and generate good learning...
01 January 1970 4,530 2 View
Career guidance can for some be an important element in their choice of career. For some it is tradition og the wishes from parents. For some there was a path of many more or less intended...
01 January 1970 5,735 6 View
I am concerned about the development of teacher students. Often the habit of their own school years as students/pupils is deeply embedded in their own way of teaching. This is no problem if the...
01 January 1970 6,729 31 View
I am looking for articles about Tamahagane steel. Both articles about what this steel was used for and how the actual steel itself was made. I have heard translations of "Tamahagane" both as...
01 January 1970 257 3 View
Do you know books/articles written before 1970 that are still relevant for your akademic work? If so, can you give an example? In some programmes at bachelor and master level there seems to be a...
01 January 1970 6,689 7 View
Recently youth, age 16-19 in upper secondary schools in Norway, were asked what were their preferred medium was for taking notes and for reading. They surprised us. The majority answered that they...
01 January 1970 8,408 12 View
Arts-based approaches can enrich the learning process for students and enhance professional competence and identity. Do you use arts-based approaches to enrich the learning process for students?...
01 January 1970 1,493 16 View
I find that my computer often limits my thinking. I feel much more free in my thinking when I have paper and pencil. When you are in a development or learning process, do you prefer "pencil and...
01 January 1970 552 17 View
My students often make comments that they feel that they learn better if they get time to think individually, discuss further with the student sitting beside them and finally share their...
01 January 1970 4,732 43 View