37 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kamesh Krishnamoorthy Kalyankumar
While generating a sequence identity matrix in bioedit software by pasting the sequences from notepad, often there is an overlapping of sequence names (given before the fasta sequence) and the...
11 January 2020 1,324 0 View
plants like paddy dont suffer from manganese deficiency since they are grown in flooded soils? what is the reason for the increased availability of manganese in flooded soils?
15 April 2018 6,527 2 View
If there is an accidental ethidium bromide spill on skin/hands during a moelcular work what is the immediate first aid measure to be taken using very simple chemicals available in the lab?
13 March 2018 431 3 View
Iam finding it hard to get amplification post whitefly DNA extraction using lysis buffer method. Any other simple methodology. What are the precautions or troubleshooting measures to be followed?...
10 March 2018 3,209 4 View
Generally insects like whiteflies collected for DNA extraction are stored in ethanol. Does ethanol act as a preservant. Does it help in maintaining the integrity of the insect DNA. How long till...
18 February 2018 633 2 View
Sequencing of plant transcriptomes often gives rise to additional sequences called virus like RNA assemblies corresponding to genomic RNAs of viruses infecting these host plants. How the plants...
06 February 2018 9,122 1 View
I came across a term like "non canonical translation in RNA viruses". What does the term canonical mean?...even though after a dictionary search I havent got a satisfied answer. Does the word...
28 January 2018 6,318 4 View
when ampicillin powder is dissolved in water , the powder particles first stick together like a gum and then dissolve slowly unlike sodium chloride which dissolves unformy by fairly mixing in the...
10 January 2018 9,366 1 View
Should 3M sodium acetetate prepared for molecular cloning be stored under refrigerated conditions? what is the reason if so?
07 January 2018 6,412 2 View
why should calcium chloride and magnesium chloride used in a molecular cloning be filter sterilised and not autoclaved?
07 January 2018 9,623 2 View
During an ELISA test for plant virus, if the quantity of antiserum and conjugate is less, is it possible to dilute the antiserum and conjugate with water (ultrapure/milliq)?
04 January 2018 8,786 3 View
Can molecular biology vectors like puc 18 or pGEMT be stored at minus 80 degree?
30 December 2017 6,499 3 View
Is there any term such as dominant and codominant marker in relation to a PCR primer
30 December 2017 8,892 3 View
The general recommended storage temperature for molecular enzymes like taq polymerase, phi 29 DNA polymerase and pyrophosphatase are mentioned as minus 20 degree in the cover. Suppose if they are...
20 December 2017 7,000 5 View
I came across a literature in which it was stated that resistance of a plant to a plant virus achieved by genetic engineering or by conventional introduction of mendelian genes can be overcome by...
18 October 2017 776 1 View
Why are whiteflies present more abundantly on the undersurface of leaves. especially i have observed this on pulse plants. what is the specific reason for this
07 October 2017 8,665 2 View
whiteflies feed through stylet on leaves. during this process catching them by tapping the leaves or through an aspirator might lead to damage of their stylet. when we have to perform a direct...
07 October 2017 2,662 2 View
Often due to phenolic content in the plant, the DNA pellet which is extracted turns brown in colour. how to prevent the browning.
03 October 2017 3,417 2 View
Why we used Φ29 DNA polymerase in rolling circle amplification instead of the Taq polymerase used in the general PCR reaction. any specific function of this polymerase with respect to rolling...
15 June 2017 358 3 View
why does the reaction product of a LAMP PCR reaction give a ladder like pattern in gel electrophoresis unlike giving just a single band as in the conventional PCR. Is there any specific reason.
13 June 2017 7,752 4 View
In an indirect ELISA method the binding of the antigen and antibody is identified by an antibody raised in a second animal. what is the purpose of raising the second antibody in a different animal...
14 April 2017 4,481 3 View
As we are all aware almonds are valued as nuts. In case of indian almond, is the fruit edible? the fruit generally assumes a reddish pink colour on maturity. I have searched extensively on the...
28 March 2017 3,185 3 View
Chimera formation is one of the PCR bias where forward primer may accidently shift its position to the reverse primer area and start amplification. what is the method to avoid this
07 March 2017 7,743 5 View
In Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism a fluoroscent dye is added to either the forward or reverse primer. what is the difference. under what conditions do we go for adding the...
07 March 2017 2,534 3 View
What are the methods to reduce PCR bias. which is the technique having the least PCR bias?
19 February 2017 5,416 3 View
According to metagenomics, DNA is extracted from a mixture of microbial community in soil, cloned into a vector and later on a metagenomic library is constructed. the ability of the community to...
19 February 2017 1,640 4 View
How far is multiple displacement amplification succesful in metagenomics.
19 February 2017 7,566 2 View
Leaf spot disease of sapota causes scattered spots over the leaves. however I have not observed any spots or damage on the fruits. anybody working on the pathogen on sapodilla? could you tell me...
18 January 2017 2,732 4 View
I recently submitted my manuscript to a journal. the work done was related to soil ecology and plant pathology. Previous work related to my kind of work were carried out in foreign countries only...
04 January 2017 10,023 12 View
I have a basic doubt in molecular biology. Since iam not from a molecular biology background I have this kind of a doubt. As we know there are a total of 46 chromosomes in human and each...
08 October 2016 4,164 4 View
How can be CRISPR Cas 9 technology applied to manage insect teansmitted plant pathogens with special reference to insect transmitted plant virus? Literatures or previous work done on the above...
08 September 2016 3,002 3 View
Any ongoing research work on the use of mycoviruses in India for the biocontrol of plant pathogens?
08 June 2016 1,175 3 View
I have heard of bumble bees being used as delivery agents of trichoderma. Iam interested in knowing more about this. Need literatures pertaining to the same.
08 June 2016 9,221 5 View
Usually during preparation of some media like nitrate medium or nitrite medium where sucrose or ferrous sulphate are one of the medium components I have observed that post autoclaving the media...
27 May 2016 1,389 1 View
Generally a nutrient agar broth when freshly prepared is transparent in looks. with inoculation of bacteria the solution becomes turbid over time and the change in turbidity can be measured in a...
10 May 2016 343 8 View
After DNA extraction using CTAB method the dna is diluted generally in nuclease free water or TE buffer. Of the two components ie., nuclease free water and TE buffer which is better to be diluted...
08 April 2016 501 3 View
vegetative compatibility test of a fungus helps to identify nit mutants which are later subjected to complementation tests. what is the utility of complementation tests?
29 March 2016 8,159 4 View