48 Questions 264 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Franklin Uriel Parás Hernández
Hello dear researchers : Does anyone have a scientific report where the curve for the dependence of the Carbon Black content on the Electrical Tracking Resistance for, either a natural...
07 September 2023 2,151 2 View
Dear friends : Is someone there who knows Comsol well, and had made before: Comsol Electromagnetics simulations, coupling the Joule Heating in Solids with Electromagnetics ? If someone can help...
27 June 2023 4,600 0 View
Dear Researchers : I will very much appreciate the help. I have a 2D model in COMSOL. It's a plate, made of Polyethylene. An AC Voltage is applied on the upper electrode, the lower electrode is...
26 June 2023 3,209 2 View
Dear Researchers : Can anyone help me with this simulation in COMSOL? I'm trying to solve for the Electric Potential and Electric Field trough this plate The potential difference is 2.5 kV And...
22 June 2023 5,990 0 View
Dear Professor, Scientists and Technicians in the field : I'm looking up on how to determine the Charging Current in a distribution (15, 25 or 35 kV) overhead power line. These lines are...
03 February 2023 7,293 4 View
Dear Professor, Scientists and Technicians in the field : I'm trying to compute the Charging Current for a particular distribution Overhead line (25 or 35 kV). And I found a paper where I found a...
03 February 2023 6,431 5 View
Dear Researchers : Does someone know something, or is acquainted with the issue of "Flow Lines" (also called "Flow Marks" or "Streaks") on the extrusion process of insulation layers on Electric...
22 June 2022 4,182 1 View
Dear Researchers, Hello all ! I'm looking for scientific/technical literature, specifically about the study or analysis of the fluid flow inside an extruder, applied for the extrusion process of...
20 June 2022 3,315 0 View
Dear Researchers, hopefully someone can help me here: I built a 2D model in COMSOL, of a simple three-layer covered conductor, surrounded by air. This cable is for aerial power lines , Now, I...
01 April 2022 8,919 3 View
Dear Researchers : I need help, I am trying to solve for the Temperature distribution of a 2D model of a Medium Voltage Power Cable, with all its components. This is a 2D model, And I am...
03 August 2021 7,460 11 View
Dear Researchers, I ask for help; This is in COMSOL Muliphysics ver.5.6 I am tryring to solve a model of an Energy Power Cable which is burried in the soil, is a 2D model I choose to couple the...
29 July 2021 8,377 9 View
Dear Researchers : Recently I asked an official quotation (with all the requiered concepts) from ANSYS and from COMSOL to implement the same type of License and the same set of modules, the...
16 July 2021 9,510 2 View
Dear Researchers in the field : Does anyone know what the KAGRA Gravitational Waves Observatory it's been up to ? KAGRA announced at the end of last year (2019) that they were ready for the kick...
09 December 2020 5,403 14 View
Dear all : I need to solve the following integral (attached as an image file) The context is on the calculation of View Factors in Radiation Heat Transfer I worked out the this expression from...
16 May 2020 7,737 16 View
Hi all , How can I consider the Optical properties of a surface into the Stefan-Boltzmann law for a problem of Radiation Heat Transfer between a hot Body and a real Surface (namely, a surface...
16 May 2020 9,662 8 View
Hi all : Please, I need some help on Heat Radiation Transfer: How I can derive the formula of the View Factor for a particular configuration, in a way of ending with an expression for the VF as...
16 May 2020 5,208 6 View
Hi all, I'm trying to perform a calculation on the Flux due only to radiation, received at the surface of a Flat Plate Solar Collector placed on the surface of the Earth. The collector is tilted...
15 May 2020 821 24 View
Hello to all : This question is originated from the idea that every material (except for Superconductors) has a Seebeck Coefficient (S) different than zero, and from the idea that in every case...
20 March 2020 4,375 5 View
Dear all: I need help, I hope there is someone out there who can help me. I finish drawing the 2D geometry of an Air Solar Collector with an undulated absorber plate (in contrast with a flat...
20 March 2020 6,119 9 View
Dear all : I'm trying to solve the following problem using COMSOL Multyphysics. I have an enclosed geometry (please see the attached images) with a top flat surface (the celing) and an undulated...
20 March 2020 7,648 5 View
Hello to all: I'm trying to think in the following interesting problem: I have a system which are polycrystals (grains) of Bi2Te3 (actually this compound is a quaternary alloy of Bi, Te, Se and...
06 March 2020 5,002 3 View
Dear Colleagues : Does anyone have literature referencing the diffusion process of Carbon (I mean Carbon atoms) into Bismuth Telluride (Bi2Te3) or into some other compound alike ? E.g. PbTe,...
06 March 2020 3,129 2 View
Dear all : May anyone share with me a Graph showing the curves for Temperature vs Thermal Conductivity, and Temperature vs. Electrical Conductivity/Seebeck Coefficient (in the same Graph) for...
26 February 2020 1,845 6 View
Hello All: Does anyone is currently working, or know works about introducing carbon nanostructures in the material structure of the conventional thermoelectrics (like: Bi2Te3, Sb2Te3, Bi,SbTe,...
16 January 2020 4,479 3 View
Dear all: Have anyone deposited Al contacts on substrates of CdS and/or PbS, using an e-beam physical evaporation system ? The following is happening with my CdS and PbS films , I'm trying to...
06 January 2020 302 1 View
Dear all: I am looking for the data of the Vapor Pressure for these substances : - Bismuth - Tellurium (for both of these elements I found a few data, but for points of temperature above 650...
25 November 2019 839 2 View
Dear colleagues: When you have an Aluminum plate, and then, lets say you sand its surface with a sandpaper, you remove its native Al2O3 thin layer previously formed on the surface. Instantly,...
09 October 2019 1,281 12 View
Dear all: How I can calculate the Impedance of a single white colour LEDs Strip? Does anyone know ? I have a Strip of white light LEDs , at a Voltaje imput of 12V . I'll appreciate any help...
11 July 2019 1,909 3 View
Hi all ! Can someone help me with this ? I need to compute the Thermal Efficiency of a TEG module (Thermoelectric module operating as a Electrical Energy Generator) After doing some research in...
02 July 2019 3,839 2 View
Hello all: If someone have some experience on Hall Effect measurements on semiconductor thin films, with materials such as CdS, PbS, ZnO, etc.. My questions is: I'm trying to measure the...
17 June 2019 3,609 4 View
Does anyone can share some guides/manuals or any resource about the Linear Solvers in COMSOL Multiphysics. There are different solvers in COMSOL: Dependent Variables Solver, Stationary Solver ,...
14 May 2019 7,490 2 View
Kinds regards all ! I need help, I got my data for the XRD Pattern of my Graphene Nanoplatelets (XGSciences supplier). My questions are the following, I really appreciate if someone out there...
15 February 2019 1,305 4 View
Hi all; I need the two phase diagrams, to confirm I am not forming neither bismuth carbides nor tellurium carbides on my sinterization process. Plase, if some one can help me or have some...
30 August 2018 3,809 2 View
Hi, all Does anyone know what is the fraction of the Heat conducted by electrons and the heat conducted by phonons in Bulk Bi2Te3 Thank you for the help! I appreciate it ! Regards !
16 August 2018 589 1 View
I'm working with my I-V graphs of a CdS/PbS solar cell , and I was able to determine the values of the VOC and ISC , but how I can understand these parameters in terms of the functioning...
20 June 2018 7,796 11 View
I'm trying to make compacted pellets of Bi2Te3 from powders, trying to perform a sintering of the material taking it just below the melting point of the Bi2Te3. But I have metallic reactors,...
20 June 2018 1,692 3 View
Does anyone know about, or have a reference on this question: I'm performing a material processing (mechanical Hot Press) at 600 °C of the compound Bi2Te3 and adding graphite to it. Anyone knows...
20 June 2018 3,766 6 View
Does anyone is working with conventional thermoelectric materials fabricated with the mechanical method of Hot Pressing (or Hot Press), the so called conventional materials as: Bi2Te3, PbTe, SiGe,...
14 June 2018 6,434 4 View
I'm about to start working with these materials, so I have this question. I guess is a thing of terminology and may not be an entire consensus of the handle of these two terms regarding on the...
13 March 2018 2,525 4 View
Hello all: does anyone know a good criteria or standardized method to select the start and end points(values) of the Conduction Region in a I-V curve for a pn Juction Diode. it is required to...
06 February 2018 1,398 2 View
Does anyone out there know a Graphical Method which cna be used to determine/compute the Threshold Voltage of a pn Juction Diode,.. once you have already gotten the I-V (curve) characteristics of...
05 December 2017 4,324 6 View
On the work with the growth technique of Chemical Bath Deposition: Has someone studied or identified the problem encountered when we place a (supposed stable) thin film of a semiconductor...
02 February 2017 4,613 1 View
Dear Colleagues, I hope someone can provide some answer : I recently had notified by Research Gate that ELSEVIER editorial did notified them that they needed to take one Scientific Article I had...
01 January 1970 714 11 View
Hello Dear colleagues: it seems to me this could be an interesting thread for discussion: I would like to center the discussion around the concept of Entropy. But I would like to address it on...
01 January 1970 1,306 54 View
Hi all !: Does anyone is acquainted with the mechanism of Energy Filtering for Electrons & Phonons (the physics are distinct depending on the particle you are concern about; to be Electrons or...
01 January 1970 5,503 3 View
Hello !, I want to know what is the fundamental difference between a doping (to dope a material (i. e. a semiconductor) and an alloy. Does anyone can contribute to the answer ? Best Regards !
01 January 1970 9,305 9 View
I know are not the same the terms: "Fermi Energy" and "Fermi Level" How can we understand the difference between one concept and the other ? Or. Does is just the level of the scale the main...
01 January 1970 8,348 10 View
Hello all : I would like to start a discussion about this topic. I have just got myself interested on the topic of thermal transistors and started to search some readings about the subject, but...
01 January 1970 9,819 8 View