44 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Anthony G Gordon
There are several Hangover Scales, none of which is comprehensive. Factor analyses show several factors or clusters of symptoms, which does not clarify the situation since these factors...
07 October 2023 6,608 0 View
"Death Penalty Focus To:tony gordon Thu, 30 Mar at 17:30 Sign the Petition Dear DPF Supporters, We need your help! Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed a warrant and scheduled Louis Gaskin to be executed...
30 March 2023 6,215 5 View
If so, they would be a good model of concussion.
22 September 2022 6,423 3 View
There are cases of complete absence of smell, hearing or vision at birth, but none of total bilateral absence of vestibular function. What about taste? It seems so rare it is doubtful if it...
28 June 2022 6,105 7 View
It is generally asserted that all smallpox carriers are symptomatic. But what is the actual evidence for this? This is an absolutely crucial assumption, and, if wrong, makes the epidemiology of...
22 December 2020 8,482 13 View
Signs and Symptoms of Frontotemporal Dementia Each case of FTD is different, but the illness generally becomes more distinguishable from other brain conditions as it progresses. Symptoms may occur...
27 July 2020 7,090 1 View
I have only just heard of this entity and have not researched it extensively. However, lists of symptoms I have seen so far consist of cognitive problems like brain fog, poor concentration, etc....
15 November 2019 6,716 0 View
Aural cholesteatomas (CA) usually occur as late complications of chronic otitis media. They are usually unilateral, a point not addressed by conventional theories of CA formation. If indeed they...
03 November 2019 8,919 0 View
This is the conventional view (from MedlinePlus): "Surgery that involves a cut (incision) in the skin can lead to a wound infection after surgery. Most surgical wound infections show up within...
05 November 2017 3,905 28 View
If the person is mentally incompetent, under the influence of drugs, or unconscious then doctors should treat them. But what about persons who have taken a drug overdose and are brought in to A...
01 October 2017 454 24 View
The next potential British Prime Minister, Jeremy Corbyn, said during a BBC TV interview this morning that "all wars end with political decisions". How historically accurate is this? For...
23 April 2017 9,906 10 View
Schizophrenia was unknown before the 19th C, then became common in the 19th and 20th C, but now seems on the decrease. The simplest explanation for this is that those with genes predisposing to...
26 March 2017 3,531 2 View
Despite months of media discussion, I am still confused about this, as we seem to hear nothing else nowadays from all sides other than that the Will of the People must be obeyed. I thought that...
26 February 2017 5,200 29 View
Kelleher et al (Psychol Med 2012 ;42:1857) reviewed population studies of psychotic symptoms in childhood and adolescence. Hearing voices that no one else could hear was reported by 15%, yet...
12 January 2017 8,668 7 View
I cannot find evidence either way for this theory. Autistic children are often hypersensitive to sound, and loud sounds cause seizures in animal models of epilepsy. If seizure were due to brain...
06 January 2017 3,394 10 View
There was yet another case recently of a dog running away from its new home and returning many miles to its original home. My uncle, totally blind from birth, used to navigate around the streets...
05 May 2016 2,677 64 View
The literature on wax and deafness is sparse, subjective, contradictory and confusing. My clinical experience in a tertiary ENT clinic agrees with that of Politzer (1908), in that hearing loss...
26 April 2016 7,770 20 View
This is not as unlikely as it first seems, since a strong general factor has been found for intelligence (g), personality, adolescent psychopathology, etc, in addition to more specialized...
10 April 2016 8,241 33 View
Cases of pneumolabyrinth are reported from time to time. I suspect these are far commoner than realized, after head injury and in benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo for example, since they are...
03 April 2016 4,358 18 View
From Japanese Justice in Economist Dec 5 2015: "Last year Iwao Hakamada was freed after 46 years on death row when a judge declared that his conviction was unsafe (among other things, he appears...
04 December 2015 5,181 25 View
A hyperactive state of the inner ear explains many of the symptoms of migraine (audiosensitivity/phonophobia, dizziness, head pressure, nausea, aura, Meniere syndrome, etc). Could peripheral...
21 June 2015 9,678 17 View
There is good epidemiological evidence connecting breastfeeding with the acquisition of infection from the mothers, and that breastmilk often contains harmful organisms (eg in breastmilk banks). ...
04 June 2015 7,753 17 View
Wax and bile are the only two secretions that taste bitter. Bearing in mind that cases are known of urine and menstrual blood travelling up through the body and ending up in the external auditory...
10 May 2015 8,870 17 View
Until recently, I thought the answer to this question was obvious, but I am gradually becoming aware that a large and influential portion of the population simply do not or will not accept this...
30 April 2015 1,095 53 View
It has of course been known for a long time that there is a connection and correlation between brain abscess and otitis media (or sinusitis). But is this a simple causal link? Self-evidently so,...
20 November 2014 7,376 100 View
Data submitted needs to have distinguished hypertension from hypotension, which does cause giddiness. Drug effects also need to be taken into account, as antihypertensives can cause overshoot,...
12 November 2014 8,225 23 View
A recent article in The Times reported that GCHQ specifically employed dyslexic intelligence officers for their dispassionate, logical and analytical approaches. Dyslexics have normal non-verbal,...
23 September 2014 5,044 13 View
Joseph Williams wrote in 1846 (Med Times 15:140): "Puerperal insanity occurs after parturition, and is generally observed in those cases where there has been considerable exhaustion; and in this...
30 May 2014 3,635 99 View
Severe disorders of language and speech are often present in infantile autism and congenital deafness. I think autism is a variant peripheral hearing disorder, but no one else takes this theory...
07 March 2014 3,691 13 View
I think the importance of the vestibular system is greatly underestimated, and that it drives the development of the other senses. While checking the literature for cases of congenital...
24 February 2014 9,469 10 View
For the foreseeable future for many reasons scientists are going to publish their best work behind paywalls in subscription-based journals. It is naive to believe that publishers of these...
13 January 2014 5,048 1 View
Height increased dramatically last century. See one of the Top Ten Science Stories of 2013 from Natural History Museum website: "9. Evolution pushes on as European men grow taller,...
03 January 2014 7,296 14 View
The idea that evil acts can only be committed by evil persons seems to me to be illogical, a medieval, primitive, prescientific delusion. Yet it forms the bedrock of our legal system, and is why...
03 January 2014 5,775 99 View
Assuming that insomnia results from hyper-arousal of the brainstem arousal system, what can cause this? Presumably only excessive input from lower CNS levels. A prime candidate must be the...
21 December 2013 2,677 0 View
A good idea, but is it ethical, feasible or counterproductive?
21 December 2013 7,224 71 View
A sudden acquired intolerance to alcohol has been reported in many different situations: post concussion syndrome; after minor head injury; in CFS/ME, neurasthenia; hyperventilation; after fever,...
16 December 2013 8,364 5 View
Many old and new treatments for psychiatric disorders involve vestibular stimulation. These include swings and roundabouts; emetics and anti-emetics (eg chlorpromazine); ECT, which I think works...
08 December 2013 7,669 12 View
I think concussion and post-concussion syndrome in man is due to malfunction of the vestibular system in the inner ear, nothing to do with the brain. It occurs to me that a good way to test this...
26 October 2013 3,775 7 View
Have just come across the concept of Endemic Syphilis in Arch Int Med 1961;108:1. This occurred under "unhygienic conditions of primitive life in huts and villages" in isolated parts of the...
24 September 2013 5,735 14 View
Killing of badgers has just started in parts of England on the assumption that they are the natural reservoirs of TB and pass this on to cows. Do cows infect badgers? I don't understand exactly...
27 August 2013 1,084 14 View
By determinism I mean the dogma that some human characteristics and behavior are programmed by our biological/genetic makeup, such there is zero room for chance, free will or any environmental...
26 August 2013 4,812 82 View
We all think we know what murder is, and I think this definition is used consistently in TV crime and murder drama, for example. However, I think the word as used in the UK and USA laws and...
06 August 2013 8,986 23 View
I regard these as lying on the same continuum, so would not offer separate, discrete definitions. Curiously enough, dictionaries, DSM and psychiatry textbooks also make no such distinction, or...
22 July 2013 5,812 4 View
Millions of infants die each year from diarrhea. It is taken as axiomatic that the bugs enter the mouth from dirty milk, food, water, fingers, utensils,etc, as they can do in children and adults....
01 June 2013 4,055 2 View