36 Questions 43 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from André Leonhardt
Hello, I am working on several novel fuel cell types catalyzed by organic-anorganic composite catalysts and I am grateful that I was given a A4 sized piece of membrane made from quaternized...
08 August 2019 7,017 8 View
Hello, I had a severely neglected Paraplecta parva (Blattodea species) culture here lying around and decided to put the soil with the Blattodea species in a formicarium of mine and this was when...
07 July 2019 2,964 2 View
Hello, I wanted to find some information about the ant species Liometopum microcephalum but poorly didn‘t find any... My questions are: Is this Dolichoderinae species polygynous Do they have a...
06 June 2019 3,335 4 View
Hello, I am researching electrochemistry and supercapacitors seem very interesting to me, but poorly I don’t find very much research on really high-capacitance metal-oxide free ones. So I wanted...
05 May 2019 7,513 2 View
Hello, as already mentioned in a previous question, I want to make my own protein food jelly for my ants. I can exclude a high sugar level as preservative, so someone told my I should try low ph...
01 January 2019 462 2 View
Hello, in cooperation with the company OxFa, I am working on a cheap, functional formic acid/ formate fuel cell. Normally my cells work with a liquid oxidant or a liquid catholyte, but this time I...
12 December 2018 9,952 4 View
Hello, to save time and money, I want to create a protein and sucrose based food jelly for my ants I keep as hobby, the species include Messor structor, Diacamma rugosum and Pheidole megacephala,...
12 December 2018 9,202 10 View
Hello, from time to time I work privately on biological projects, so far I worked mostly on hydra vulgaris, oligactis, various bacteria and fungi, this time I am interested in the neonothopanus...
12 December 2018 10,051 3 View
Hello, for a fuel cell project I need an oxidation agent, that will in its reduced form react with molecular oxygen to oxidize itself just like metal oxides, nitrate salts and and redox mediators....
09 September 2018 7,944 2 View
Hello, I have built a redox flow (fuel) cell that uses K3[Fe(CN)6] as oxidant instead of MnO2 because of its higher reduction voltage. When MnO2 is reduced, it is easily regenerable by air...
09 September 2018 7,006 5 View
Hello, I need to make a cheap fuel cell membrane that is either highly selective to OH- or protons, but preferrably OH-. Also it should have almost no electrolyte crossover. It would be best if...
09 September 2018 4,622 8 View
Hello, I am currently working on a redox flow battery, well sorts of, the term redox may not be completely correct. The battery uses one side highly acidic (ph 0) and one highly alkaline (ph:...
08 August 2018 5,044 1 View
Hello, I am currently growing P. kishitanii (a derivate of P. phosphoreum) on agar and in liquid culture. I already glows so bright that I could read, but I want even more brightness. According to...
08 August 2018 6,705 3 View
Hello, I want to work with selective bacteriophages and so I decided to use the U3 (selective for e.coli K12 Gal+), but poorly I can't find any further Informations about it other than it has a...
07 July 2018 7,184 5 View
Hello, For a titer determination of the U3 e.coli k12 Gal+ phage, I need to know what the maximum salinity for the k12 Gal+ strain is. Poory I can't find any research on this. Any experiences? I...
07 July 2018 3,524 5 View
Hello, I just inoculated a new E.coli culture (k12 Gal+ strain) and I recognized something I can't explain, the bacteria lawn (by excessive water) has a branchy appearance, any explanations for...
07 July 2018 3,918 6 View
Hello, I got a question concerning the double layer agar method for plaque assay: 1) Do I really have to use two agar layers, wouldn't it be enough to use one pre-inoculated soft-nutrient agar...
07 July 2018 9,251 5 View
I recently bought a pre-modified e.coli bacterium containing pVIB plasmid. The plasmid is resistant to ampicillin, but I wonder if there is a possibility to grow this bacterium without selective...
06 June 2018 6,819 3 View
Hello, I want to take a timeout from my other project and now I am into genetically engineered bacteria. I want to use the pje202/pVIB plasmid containing e. coli. This bacterium has to grow on...
06 June 2018 3,805 3 View
Hello, I want to create a self sustaining bacteria lamp using multiple microorganisms that live in symbiosis together. I heavily refer this project to the “biobulb“. My plan is using...
06 June 2018 9,910 8 View
Hello, I recently bought a pre-engineered e.coli Bl21 containing a pje202 plasmid. Yet I have to grow it on lb-ampicillin-agar to prevent plasmid loss, but I don't want to. I wondered, if there is...
06 June 2018 7,340 1 View
Hello, I want to do some research on bioluminescent pVIB/pje202 e.coli. I am curious about how bright it glows compared to a “normal“ photobacterium phosphoreum strain. Any experiences?? I want to...
06 June 2018 2,429 1 View
Hello, I want to isolate the brightest bioluminescent mutants of photobacterium phosphoreum from my culture, but all colonies look equally as bright. Any ideas, how I could isolate brighter mutants??
06 June 2018 6,886 5 View
Hello, I recently bought a genetically modified e.coli (pje202/pVIB plasmid), which is bioluminescent. I don't want to grow the e.coli on antibiotic agar forever, because the antibiotic selection...
06 June 2018 6,518 6 View
Hello, I wondered, if there is a possibility to prepare Amp trihydrat from sodium salt without toxic chemicals. I need trihydrate because with this I can make a stable colloid...
06 June 2018 5,207 1 View
I recently bought pVIB plasmid modified e.coli (BL21 strain) and now I want to grow them on LB agar containing ampicillin for selective pressure. I wondered, whether there is a chance due to...
06 June 2018 4,531 4 View
Hello, I want to make my own yeast extract from saccharomyces cerevisae for microbiological media. I need a exact amount of yeast, so wanted to know, how much grams (molar mass is preferred) of...
06 June 2018 1,585 5 View
Hello, Puh, this question is very hard to explain, so I try my best: I want to combine all my previous biology projects in a sort of organic computing device (neuronal network miniking), that...
06 June 2018 4,305 2 View
Hello, I need a cheap synthesis method for graphene oxide without the use of nitrates, nitric acid or potassium permanganate (inaccessible for me) for a paper based battery. I need quantities of...
05 May 2018 2,197 0 View
Hello, I just synthesized graphene oxide by hummers method, I filtered and washed it several times, now I have a very brown, vicous solution with small, visible particles inside. After sonication...
05 May 2018 6,323 3 View
Hello, I need to prepare a polyethylene glycol hydrogel, but have only limited supply to chemicals, so is there any crosslinking agent (except citric acid) that I may have access to and is able to...
05 May 2018 219 6 View
Hello, I have just begun synthesizing graphene oxide with hummers method, but I got some sort of explosion (probably due to Mn2O7 formation). Is there any way to avoid quitting the experiment...
05 May 2018 4,240 3 View
Hello, For reaching the goal of my project, I need prostistine graphene or pristine graphene nanoplatelets (p-GNP) and for this I need highly exfoliated graphite (mechanochemical exfoliation for...
04 April 2018 5,833 3 View
01 January 1970 3,461 1 View
Hello, since I work in the field of electrochemistry I am trying different metal ferricyanide complexes as cathodes in batteries. The thing that confuses me is the reaction behavior, so lets say...
01 January 1970 9,083 2 View
Hello, A friend of mine keeps ants to study them as hobby, a long time ago he bought a Camponotus sp. which origins from south-east asia. A few months ago, his gynomorphe (queen) died but he now...
01 January 1970 5,277 4 View