I am trying a co culture system where the cancer cells are placed in the insert. However after incubation, I find the cell number decreased in control group however the ones in with the other cell did not. I am using Millipore 0.4um PET.
Hi Shilpa. I use inserts (Corning, polycarbonate and PET) to grow my cells - grows fine in both. There are various reasons for your situation:
(1) Have you checked if your cells need some coating material on the inserts? Eg. collagen, matrigel, fibronectin?
(2) How many control inserts did you perform? If more than one, did all the replicates also show the cells dying on the inserts? If just one insert, try again one more time to see if it happens again. The cells probably just decided to die on your first experiment. My supervisor always tell me to do TLC (Tender Loving Care) on my cells.
I used only one insert as I only use insert for once. I did try it again and the cells died again.I don't think the cells require any coating material as the other set with adipocytes in the bottom is doing fine.
What I find about inserts is that some cells tend to overgrow quicker when plated on a smaller surface, even if you calculate the proportion correctly. But of course there are many other reasons for the cells to die.