Ligation Failure
I am constructing plasmid using restriction enzyme (RE) digested plasmid and RE cut DNA fragment
1. Designing primer for each fragment and PCR; then run gel obtain desired band.
2. Use TOPO Zero blunt cloning kit then use Miniprep kit obtain whole plasmid: each sequence of different fragment is correct (checked by sequencing)
3. Digest plasmid and cut each fragment from plasmid with RE then run gel and extract gel to obtain correct band (extracted DNA product stored at -20 degree)
4. Ligate RE digested-plasmid (2319bp, containing AmpR) and fragment (this fragment is from DNA string fragment, 5’ to 3’ arm, after digestion it is 682bp) using ligation kit at 16 degree, 20 min (kit recommended), vector: insert ratio =1: 1; then transform into DH5alpha.
5. Do Miniprep and analyzed by sequencing: Failed, no insertion in plasmid
I think the digestion is successful because I’ve confirmed with gel electrophoresis then gel extract plasmid and fragment (also confirmed by gel electrophoresis, the bands are all clear); the sequencing results showed no sequence between two RE sites in the plasmid. I’ve tried
1. Extend ligation time, 20 min to I hr
2. Higher vector: insert ratio from 1: 1 to 1: 3. But the concentration of extracted plasmid and fragment is low (Plasmid: 30 ug/ml; insert: 7 ug/ml) even I’ve extracted several pieces of gel in one column. Quality is not good either. I’m not sure if I should do purification since the extracted fragment is not much and low concentration.
3. Now I’m trying new ligation mix.
I couldn’t figure out what caused failure of ligation. Is it possible that digested plasmid ligate itself so it cannot be inserted? Since the sequencing went well and the peak was clean, should I try to purify gel extracted product? I didn’t use fresh digested and extracted fragment, should I use freshly before keeping them at -20?