Hello Everyone,

I have a flow cytometry question. I'm evaluating ES cells for percent positive amounts of two pluripotency markers: Oct4 and Tra-1-60. I'm staining cells post-fix and perm with the R&D Systems intracellular staining reagents. I've titrated all my reagents, voltage walked my PMTs and optimized my blocking conditions (5% mouse seum and 50 µg/mL Fc-Block). Everything looks great except for when I use an antibody tagged to AF647.

For quantification I want to set my +/- gating using the unstained population. I fully understand the issues with using an isotype to set +/- gates (fluor:protein ratio, concentration differences etc etc.).

So to prove I can use the unstained as my +/- gate I'm running an isotype control (AF647 mouse IgG1k) to make sure it overlaps with the unstained. Ideally, blocking should remove any non-specific protein interaction, however my isotype signal (only in the AF647 channel mind you) is still higher than the unstained. The same preparation and blocking scheme using the same isotype clone (mouse MOPC-21 IgG1k clone) but just in a different channel (AF488) or a different isotype (mouse MM-30 PE/Cy7 mouse IgM) yields fully overlapping signals for unstained and isotype; so my preparation works, yeah. So I'm left assuming now that the issue is with the AF647 fluorochrome itself.

I haven't yet run an isoclonic control and will do that next. Has anyone seen this before specifically with AF647? Is there something inherently "stickier" about AF647 that i'm missing here?

Any thoughts on this a greatly appreciated.



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