01 January 1970 98 7K Report

I know that the primes cannot be derived from any expression,

but would like to understand the aparent misfit of number theory with algebra.


xx+1 = xx-ii = (x+i)(x-i)

This is unique, fundamental theorem of algebra.

Also the integers Z should be special cases of the real R,

if you say 1 = 1.00000...

So aparently xx+1 cannot be factored int two real parts in nontrivial way,

ie. one factor is not 1

And yet with x=3, you get 10 = 2*5

You could make the same argument with any cuadratic form whose

discriminant is negative, and yet get cases of two nonunitary factors using any form looking for purely prime numbers.

The only preliminary idea I have, is that with just one point x,

I do not know which form I am using (although I do know),

and should be using (x-1)(x+2) with x=3.

Either algebra is not inventive enough or something special about integers?

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