15 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Juan Weisz
Take the Fermionic creation and destruction operators ad (k) and a(k) where ad means a dagger. One has a set of relationships including ad(k) ad(k) =0 , a(k)a(k)=0 a(k) a(l) + a(l) a(k)...
30 November 2018 8,519 4 View
In Newtons universal law of gravitation any two masses attract each other according the inverse square law of distance. In our local planetary environment there seems to be no evidence of any...
13 September 2017 6,912 8 View
Let us give the power series f(x) = c0 + c1 x + c2 xx + c3 xxx +.... From this define a modified series with capital F F(x) = c0 + c1 x +c2 x(x+h) + c3 x(x+h)(x+2h) +... This is really a...
14 July 2017 3,449 5 View
Suppose we have a parametrized hamiltonian in QM. H(b) Now take two different values of the parameter b1 and b2, so we have H(b1) and H(b2). The problem is now that H(b1) and H(b2) are found not...
11 October 2015 2,380 12 View
Would like here to explore nonzero mass eigenvalues posed as Nabla psi = mu psi basically Klein Gordon, but not usually posed this way. where mu si basically mmcc/hbar hbar and the left hand...
01 January 1970 4,118 8 View
An equal sign may be used in several different senses, perhaps too many. a) Describe an identity b) Assign a value c)Describe some equation (to be solved). (Ask not answer) d) Describe some...
01 January 1970 9,472 15 View
Some, including Morris Kline, in a book dealing with uncertainty in the basis of mathematics, indicates that eachh definition in mathematics references some other or other definitions; but that...
01 January 1970 1,273 8 View
That an n degree polynomial CAN always be factored up into n factors containing Complex roots has been shown true, but there are things not explained in the phrase. Teachers will not usualy...
01 January 1970 6,430 77 View
A moving arrow has no location =A state of motion is not a state of rest = the uncertantly principle betweex x and Px
01 January 1970 5,516 18 View
The leibniz rule reads D(xy)=xdy +dx y But a subtraction of two slightly Different rectangles gives an extra term dx dy. People have ddbated ever since Tje smallest positive number doed not...
01 January 1970 4,091 8 View
When I use Hilbert space, I use the image of a bunch of vectors in a finite or infinite space, possibly with Complex components, all independent, so any other vector is a linear combination of the...
01 January 1970 4,636 12 View
Really the definition of each of these is well known. The questions for debate here are twofold. The first if primes may only refer to natural numbers but not integers. If integers there is no...
01 January 1970 8,587 1 View
The inverse zeta function with argument 1, has in terms factors containing primes, the same expression as the Euler function counting the numbers relatively prime to n,, from 1 to n, in terms of...
01 January 1970 7,103 0 View
I know that the primes cannot be derived from any expression, but would like to understand the aparent misfit of number theory with algebra. Take xx+1 = xx-ii = (x+i)(x-i) This is unique,...
01 January 1970 6,985 98 View
This is indended for a wide discussion of anything to do with elements as i which are not real, but has assisted algebra since long ago. Or anything pretended to to be an infinitesimal which is...
01 January 1970 9,560 0 View