5 Questions 32 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tapas Chatterjee
Koksma gave another classification of the complex numbers into fours categories inspire by Mahler's classification . These are A*-numbers, S*-numbers, U*-numbers and T*-numbers. It is known that...
27 June 2019 4,158 0 View
What is the best known results on the algebraic independence of finitely many Fredholm series over the field of complex numbers?
17 January 2019 3,159 2 View
Let p>3 be a prime and F be a field with p elements. It is clear that S_3 (the symmetric group of order 3!) is a subgroup of SL(2,F). Is there a normal subgroup N of SL(2,F); such that SL(2,F)...
28 February 2015 7,959 3 View
Let p & q be two primes. Under what condition the p-th cyclotomic polynomial will be irreducible over a Galois field of characteristic q ?
14 February 2015 9,521 3 View
Kurt Mahler classified the complex numbers into fours categories. These are A-numbers, S-numbers, U-numbers and T-numbers. It is known that A-numbers are precisely the algebraic numbers. Also,...
01 January 1970 7,803 5 View