10 October 2016 14 736 Report

I am running two westerns with the same samples for a FLAG-tagged Cas9 we transfected into HUES cells. I run both gels (4-12% Bis-Tris) in the same gel box, I transfer them (iBlot) at the same time, and I block with the same mL blocking agent (5% BSA or milk-- tried both). 

FLAG is the Sigma M2 (mouse), Cas9 is a polyclonal rabbit antibody from diagenonde: https://www.diagenode.com/p/crispr-cas9-polyclonal-antibody

Anti-mouse and anti-rabbit-HRP have been used previously by many members of the lab and work fine.

Upon ECL exposure, the FLAG shows beautiful staining (using an epitope tag purified protein as a + control), but the entire Cas9 membrane turns immediately black *every single time* (n=3), so much so that I'm literally looking at a black membrane on the screen about 15 seconds after I start the exposure. Does anyone know why this might be happening? It's all over the membrane. 

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