Hi fellow sciency friends,
I have a protocol for IF-FISH that says to use RNaseOut (Invitrogen) in my block at 1:100. I'm doing the IF-FISH on coverslips in a 6-well plate and I'm using 2mL block for blocking and 2mL block for primary (could potentially go down on this volume).
RNaseOut is supplied as 5000U (40U/uL) in 125uL. This means that I would have to use a whole tube to only get 12.5mL of block which is, frankly, ridiculously expensive to me (@ ~$180/tube).
Does anyone else use RNaseOut and if so, is this an accurate dilution to use? Invitrogen website says 40U/20uL which would be even more concentrated of a dilution. Alternatively, does anyone use a different RNase inhibitor or have any other insight into blocking RNA degradation during IF (necessity, perhaps?). In the words of Leeloo Dallas Multipass, "PLEAZ HALP". Thanks so much!