I'm quite confused on how to interpret the findings on the plot/figure it generated (using the semPaths). Are the numbers on the paths the standardized coefficients? And how do I know if they are significant? Thanks a lot. :)
@Distor Although I've never used Lavaan for SEM but reporting of the results should not much different than the results of other covariance based SEM packages )e.g. AMOS). You need to report model fit Indices, and measures related to convergent and divergent validity along with standardized path coefficients with T/CR values and significance levels (p-value). You can refer to the book attached below.
Since mediational structures are a part of 90% of models and also present an option to explain the key element of a SEM--namely exclusion restrictions--see this thread on the assumptions of the mediation model:
Further, I can recommend the book by Rex Kline (it has to be the 4th edition!):
Kline, R. B. (2016). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (Fourth ed. Vol. 156). New York, London: The Guilford Press.
and the book by Bill Shipley:
Shipley, B. (2004). Cause and correlation in biology. A user's guide to path analysis, structural equations and causal inference. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.
With regard to lavaan, the website presents masses of tutorials. In addition, there is this book here:
There is another but it is quite expensive. You will find it by searching amazon.
Take your time to learn and understand SEM. SEM is no simple regression. When you do it wrong, you do it (in most cases) dramatically wrong.