Hi, I am purifying a synthesized GST tagged membrane protein with the following condition:

Crude preparation:

100ml culture was centrifuged at 12000xg for 15 min

The pellet was resuspended with PBS buffer with 0.1% Tx-100.

The lysate was sonicated at 30% A for 8.5min, 15s intermittently

The lysate was centrifuged at 12000xg for 15 min

Supernatant was filtered and protease inhibitor cocktail was added

GST purification

10ml of sample was injected to 1ml Cytiva GSTrap column

The resin was washed with 20CV PBS buffer

Protein was eluted out with 50mM Tris HCL with 10mM GSH at a gradient

My question is:

Why are there multiple other bands apart from my target protein (80kDa)? Do I oversonicate causing the GST fusion protein to rupture? Or is there are any other reason?

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