Hello everyone,

I am struggling with the purification of a recombinant protein (6xHis tagged). The overexpressed protein binds to Ni-NTA-agarose beads adequately. However, it is not eluting out after binding to IMAC resin. Several elution conditions, including different concentrations of imidazole (0.2 - 1 M), low pH buffer (pH 4 - 6), or 8 M urea, have been tested. Nothing has worked. Purification of the same protein with GST-tag has also been attempted using GSH-Agarose resin. There too, elution with reduced GSH is inappreciable. Tried to elute the protein by in-bead GST-tag cleavage applying TEV enzyme. But, post-cleavage protein remains bound to beads only and cannot be eluted. Any suggestion...why is this happening? How to improve the elution of protein?

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