In my opinion because some values are changing, but many still live from past habits. To have the physical and palpable view of the magazine, from the false sensation that you bought the article, that is, the content does not matter if you have the magazine. This means that good articles have no chance of being published
I perception is Now a days everything has been business but no ethics.... They are need lot of money only not like provide his experience and moral to our society..... When individual people take responsibility to our society then only change everything....
Well everyone should read and understand the policies of the Publishing Journal before they submit their Manuscript. They would never publish for free even how much the Article is excellent. Regards
Popular magazines: magazines that are interested in providing information to the general public, and often classified within the magazines and periodicals sold in the shops, and aims to search for a lot of readers; to make profits, and selling space for advertising ... The magazine is stopped because of the denial of publicity because it does not In line with the policy of wisdom or states