Hi! Over the past weeks, I have observed an anomaly in one of the cell lines I routinely culture (CHSE-214 cells, derived from Chinook salmon). My routine culture cells are grown in flasks and appear to be perfectly healthy. Lately however, I have noticed that when using these cells to seed 24-well cell culture plates, the majority of the cells will die within just a week or two. After a couple of days, the cells start rounding up, detach from the monolayer (they are adhesive cells) and float to the surface of the medium, often forming large clumps of dead cells.

Since then, I have collected cell lysates and performed mycoplasma tests and also QPCR tests for every disease that we routinely work with in our lab. Every one of these tests was negative. What is strange is that I do not observe this in any of my culture flasks. It only seems to happen as soon as I plate them, and they only recently started to do this. I have read that this can happen when too many cells are seeded in the wells and are too confluent, but I only seed my cells at about 70% confluency and count them every time before plating them, so I do not think that is the issue.

Last week I seeded some cells in 3 different types of cell culture plates (tried 2 different brands of TC treated plates and also Corning cell-bind plates). I have not observed any difference between these 3 brands of plates; the cells keep dying. I have also screened the growth media I am using for mycoplasma and some viruses, all of which were negative. There is nothing visible under the microscope either, so I am not suspecting bacterial contamination, especially since the cells appear healthy in their culture flasks and I use the same media bottle for all my cultures. 

We work with a few other cell lines in the lab as well, and all of them perform well when seeded to culture plates. It is just this one cell line, and I was not observing this until a few weeks ago. Anybody have any ideas? I am stumped!

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