
I am trying to clone a 600 bp fragment into pcmv-mir vector.

I use 30mg/L kanamycin in my agar plates.

I digest 1 uq plasmid with 10 unit of enzyme (Sgf I and MluI) over night.

I run a PCR with vector's primers than I got no band = Means that vector is cutted due to the fact that my multiple cloning site resides between 2 primer sites.

Than I perform insert+ doublecut vector ligation over night and Transform them to bacteria.

I got no colonies after 16 h. but I got nearly 50 colonies at 24h. I have negative plate with no colony. I also have a negative control with open lid ( for contamination control after these problems I suspected from contaminations) I got no colony after 24h. So contamination is not an issue.

I have this theory but not sure.

- double cut vector has been re ligated by DH5a, due to this proccess I got colonies only after 24h. As a biostatic Kanamycin blocks protein synthesis but not killing cells. So after transforming linear vector ready to-use bacterial enzymes starts to recirculerize cuted-vector. Ones vector is re-circularized resistand gene is synthesized and bacteria fix the antibiotic problem. Because of re-circularization in cell, it took more time to give colonies.

The more, When I use 50mg/L kanamycin, I got these false colonies after 48h. I have contacted with vector suppier and they said that they use 30mg/L kanamycin.

-When I transform non-cut mock vector. I got colonies after over night incubation very before 24h.

- I tried gibson assembly for coloning too, again I got these false colonies after 24h but no colony with insertion.

After all these information my main question is that;

I probably couldn't find the correct insertion:vector ratio yet. So I don't have true colonies at overnight incubation. But these colonies at 24h are a result of bacterial repair ? or something else? If something else would you please explain to me.

Best regards.

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