extraction of genome has been done manual by zncl2 method and the gel electrophoresis was as shown in the imge why genome does not run in the gel and stil in the well
my opinion is that you obtain a very low DNA concentration (measure it if you can) and that the small amount in the well is a mixture of DNA and proteins/polysaccharides that cannot migrate in the conditions used.
What volume of this sample you have loaded and what % of gel have you used? Even if you have loaded 5ul of this sample, it is well above the sensitivity limit of EtBr, so DNA should be seen. Also, is your ladder unstained and have used gel loading dye to load it? If yes its more likely that your gel loading dye has some contaminant(like protein as said above) which will be stuck in the well as seen in the wells of both, the ladder as well as the sample lane.
Additionally, what is the genome size of the bacteriophage you are working with? what is the bp size of the highest band in the ladder? Is the ladder really needed to check the presence or absence of the bacteriophage DNA? On 1% Agarose gel bacteriophage DNA should migrate in my opinion.
There are many possibilities, you could repeat the experiment and do electrophoresis with fresh reagent to rule out any contamination issues.