I've been infected bone marrow derived macrophages for years now with various strains of Francisella tularensis but the cells will not become infected anymore. 

I use bone marrow derived macrophages, cultured with L929 media (tried three different batches of L929 media from different frozen stocks of cells, my own stocks from 2012 and 2014 batches).  I've used different sets of culturing reagents, however when I do this experiment with J774 cells instead of bone marrow derived macs, I have no issues - bacteria replicate as normal.

My bone marrow derived macropahges are indeed F4/80 high, CD11b high, CD45 high, CD11c -.  They are healthy looking at naive and infected looking when infected.  When infected and treated with LPS by day 2 they look rounded and activated, but healthy looking.  Yet when I plate the cells at day 3 I see no colonies.  If I use J774 cells, the bacteria grow as normal so my saponin for cell lysis and my plates are functioning correctly. 

I infect my macs for 2 hours then wash, then treat with genta, then wash thoroughly and plate the cells to see if bacteria are being taken up by my bone marrow macs.  I see plenty of bacteria as normal at this time.  Also my innoculum counts are good.  But somehow over the three days in culture all bacteria disappear.  So strange, even LPS treatment normally allows for some bacteria to survive.

I'm going to try adding L929 media to J774 cells to see if somehow all my L929 stocks are somehow delivering something that prevents my bacterial replication.  Would mycoplasma do this? or some virus? Or perhaps my Balb/c mice are infected from the start wtih something?  What's odd is that I made my L929 cell stocks in 2012 and 2014, and they worked fine before, so I can't conceive of how they would be to blame now.  But I suppose it could be some plastic ware too? Perhaps the large filters I use to filter the culture.  I feel as though I'm grasping at straws...so frustrating.

I appreciate any input anyone can offer.

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