Does anyone have any idea why PC-12 cells after differentiation will not be die with lead exposure? I am letting them differentiated for 2 days with NGF then treat them with lead and it turned out not cells cytotoxic with all the concentration.
I guess that you are using the undifferentiated PC-12 cells as control and that these cells die in response to the applied lead exposure? Lead seems to induce apoptosis in PC12 cells via an intrinsic mitochondria-mediated pathway. This/These pathway/s are regulated very subtly. Given that your cells under your differentiation and culture conditions change their composition/ratio of pro- and anti-apototic proteins (BH3-only versus Bcl-2-like), they might become less susceptible to lead exposure. You might simply increase the lead concentration or ask another lab to share their PC12 cells, which might, hopefully, react differently to yours.
I applied Pb acetate from sigma for undifferentiated cells but there is no toxicity even with 100uM. we do not have any other lab in the university working with pc12 cell line.