Dear friends,
I am working with a chemical called Allicin.
First, Allicin was diluted in NaH2PO4 with PH 4.5 with 1mg/ml and stock in 4oC or below.
When I used it for cells (like breast cancer cells or myoblast cells), Allicin was diluted with media at serval concentrations and waited for 1 day, 2days or 3 days and did MTT assays. Of course I did it under a dark place since Allicin is light sensitivity. The problem is Allicin seemed did not affect cells ability. Even I treated with high concentration up to 250 micromolar (other papers mention IC50 for breast cancer cells is 40 micromolar). Has anyone ever worked with Allicin, Please help me? Thank you very much and wish you have a good day.