02 February 2015 11 2K Report

Hi guys,

I used laser-capture-microdissection (LCM) to pick the sponge-associated  filamentous bacterial cells. Then I followed the instruction of QIAGEN repli-g single cell Kit to amplify the single-cell DNA. 16S rRNA-PCR was performed to verify the bacterial taxon.

Single-cell DNA pair-end library was constructed, sequenced by MiSeq PE300 and assembled by Newbler 2.9. Lastly, it started from 3.1GB raw reads and ended up with a 2.2MB txt file, containing ~1100 contigs (>500bp).

What bothers me is that there is no 16S rRNA/23 rRNA in my assembly according to the annotation of RAST ,but before sequencing, the 16S rRNA gene could be amplified. Additionally, 5S rRNA was found in assembly.

I don't have much experience with assembling genome and this is my first time to do single-cell sequencing. I merged the reads before submitted them to newbler. Can someone suggest me a better way to assemble the genome? 

Also, a collaborator is needed to help us with genome assembling and bioinformatics analysis. Credits will be shared for sure. If anyone is interested, please contact me.



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