12 December 2015 4 5K Report

Hello, my data is from a functional DNA array and it looks like this :

phylum  SCC1    SCC2    SCC3    SDC1    SDC2    SDC3    SAC1    SAC2    SAC3

Verrucomicrobia 0.525962728     0.453958735     0.50890293      0.392088402     0.545695164     0.471533122     0.910890972

     1.221393907     0.786549277

Actinobacteria  0.565297666     0.31049045      0.553223779     0.462435947     0.510223144     0.392476548     1.266877979

     0.327223749     0.898307454

Gammaproteobacteria     0.65658187      0.714752911     0.544786603     1.208918781     1.027978028     1.42647538      0.644828867     0.854848574     0.798517205

As showed in the first row, I have 9 samples from 3 niches. The numeric data is the expression ratio of each gene.  I want to know if there is any significant difference between different sites. I have no trouble with carrying out ordination,clustering, ANOVA, and PERMANOVA analysis yet I don't know if I should go with ANOVA(univariate) or PERMANOVA(multivariate). Frankly speaking, I don't have any environmental factors data in hand. 

I feel I should go with one-way PERMANOVA to compare 3 niches, as it's based on the distance matrix. However, I don't feel there's anything wrong with using ANOVA , as I can perform it on all samples and I don't really have multiple (environmental) variates. 

Any idea is welcome. Thanks

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