I'm intending to perform a ddPCR to check miRNA expression patterns in human blood plasma. However, I am not sure which housekeeping gene I should use. The U6 is very differentially expressed in human blood plasma. Moreover in literature also other microRNAs have been proposed to be used as a housekeeping gene (miR-16, global normalization, miR-191-5p, miR-93-5p, miR-423-3p etc.), but none are conclusive. So is anyone else trying to measure microRNAs in human blood plasma via ddPCR and has a tip/idea which microRNA to use as a housekeeping gene?

I am also wondering whether a housekeeping gene is even needed when using droplet digital PCR? (according to Ma et al. in Biomarker Insights 2013, ddPCR does not require endogenous controls).

And if it is not needed is using a spike-in (miR-39 c.elegans) advisable?

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