In probit analysis, the survival rate is 115 and the mortality rate is -15, how can this be justified? What to do in Excel to fix it? If mortality is negative, how to use transformation of percentage to probit table?
I never seen a survival rate equal 115 and mortality rate takes negative values ?
What is well known in survival analysis are:
Finite survival rates can range from 0 to 1 ( it's estimated as : Number of individuals alive at end of time period / Number of individuals alive at start of time period)
mortality rate also range from 0 to 1
why you used probit for estimating such statistics? I think the problem resides in the structure and nature of your data.
N.B: Just a last note, maybe Excel gives you the : Instantaneous Mortality Rate (always a negative number).
Chellai Fatih Mitra Boroomand is my friend and she joked with me, no problem...
One of my concentrations (the lowest concentration) in the dead is negative. my thesis has a two-way answer, I have to know poison has effect or no effect, so probit is best.
I don't have enough details about what you want to do, but if you deal with survival analysis(if you focused on time to dead), probit and/or logit models are not appropriate; you should use survival models. If yo are looking the estimate the effects of covariables (like poison) on probability of death, so a probit or logit models are well recommended...
As you see, the answers are depend on what you are looking for.