I am doing paraffin embedding tissue , and for some time reason I have to stop after xylene step until the next day to continue with paraffin embedding, any media to advise ?
Hi Jack, I agree with Matthew. If you have to stay in any solution longer during your embedding-schedule , you should do this either in 70% Ethanol or in Paraffin. To stay in Paraffin over night is not a problem. If you have bigger tissue blocks like rat or mice brains it is nacessary to stay longer in the different solutions. Of course an embedding-processor makes the calculation of embidding time a little bit easier, but it works even when you are doing your embedding by hand. Good luck!
Leaving in xylene is not a good idea but for solving your time problem you can try this: after xylene you can take in hot parafin (60C) as always you do (but that will be better if the amount of parafin is not so much) , and you can take the jam out of incubator and it can wait outside at room temperature during night, it will freeze outside with the tissue in it, and the day after you can bring it into incubator again and wait to melt it, then you can add some melted paraffin on it to increase the amount of parafin in the jam, after this you can follow your own schedule for parafin according to your tissue size, after this step tou can embed it. Sometimes like you we were in an urgency about time and we tried this method, there was no problem about it ;) Second way is to decrease the temperature of incubator but sometimes this cannot be done especially if there are some other studies/spcimens in the incubator. But if you are alone and this is the only work on you, you can try to decrease the temperature during night, in the morning you can increase it again, tissue can wait like this in the paraffin. Good luck.