Thompson-Reuters Scientific do not egzist anymore. Now the owner of Web of Science is Clarivate Analytics. I already explained you in my last answer how you'll find the journal(s) which cover your research fields. Speaking about Scopus, the owner is Elsevier. They have a different system to find the journal within the different research fields. The easiest way is to go directly on Elsevier's Web site and you'll find there a list of journals within different research fields. Good luck. 🙂
First know your interest field, converge your focus and search the web for the scopus or web of science indexed journals of your focused field of interest. Publications in these journals are considered as quality publications.
I think all journals except new have ISI , but if you search for strict journal with cite score you can go to the following link to find what you want :
and if you search four journal with impact factor you can find it with elsevier as follow: