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Questions related from James F Peters
A physical nerve complex is collection of objects that have a common part (called the nucleus of the complex). Here are three examples: wood vortex art: The attached images provide an example of a...
01 January 2019 3,095 1 View
By new idea in science, I mean an idea that suggests or points to a breakthrough or points to a promising path that could lead to a breakthrough concerning a physical system such as black holes...
01 January 2019 3,264 4 View
There are many different forms of vortexes in the physical world. Here are two common examples: Tornado vortex. These are common atmospheric disturbance in the Midwest in North America (see,...
06 June 2018 9,232 8 View
By definition, a shape is an external form or appearance of something. This is how the Oxford English Dictionary defines the term shape. But then this definition raises more questions than it...
05 May 2016 7,671 45 View
In general, a pattern is an arrangement or sequence of parts found in comparable objects or events (OED). A pattern is also defined as a discernible regularity in physical nature or in...
10 October 2015 9,936 34 View
What is art? is a question about those activities that are considered artistic. Here are example of such activites: Liberal education. Starting in Middle Ages, from the 12th century extending...
05 May 2015 3,252 41 View
In a Euclidean space, an object S is convex, provided the line segment connecting each pair of points in S is also within S. Examples of convex objects in the attached image include convex...
09 September 2014 9,936 97 View
A.N. Whitehead contended that the science of pure mathematics is the most original creation of the human spirit (Science and the modern world. 1948). Number and Geometry appear to be earliest...
07 July 2014 1,588 87 View
The art of tiling originated very early in the history of civilization. The basic idea with tiling is to tessellate a surface, covering a surface with small shapes (tiny triangles, squares,...
06 June 2014 1,757 98 View
Do you think that the interaction between such scholars has led to the success of their work in making an impact? Scholars such as Euclid (geometry), Newton (science), Plato (philosophy)...
04 April 2014 4,088 91 View
Architecture tends to reflect our world view. For example, in the Grecian times, buildings often commemorated the gods and goddesses. See, for example, the Ishtar Gate (Arabic: بوابة عشتار),...
04 April 2014 989 22 View
It was observed in an earlier thread that G.H. Hardy made the following observation in his 194o book A Mathematician's Apology: "The mathematician's patterns, like the painter's or the poet's,...
02 February 2014 2,727 96 View
The word "pattern" in everyday parlance often means something typical that can be repeated, something characteristically capable of repetition into similar copies (Ulf Grenander, Elements of...
02 February 2014 5,060 75 View
A cartoon is a drawing that portrays situations in an exaggerated style for humorous or satirical effect. See, for example, the sample cartoon from an 1869 issue of Punch magazine. Many cartoons...
02 February 2014 6,514 88 View
Infinity in mathematics is a property of a set of objects that is not finite. The traditional view of infinity has its origin in the writings of Aristotle and the notion of potential infinity. "It...
01 January 2014 7,174 100 View
"I think many physicists, including myself, agree that there should be some complete description of the universe and the laws of nature. Implicit in that assumption is the universe is...
09 September 2013 1,674 69 View
For a Platonist, a theorem is a provable assertion about something that is external to us (written on the wall of a cave, as it were) and which is discovered by us. Otherwise, for a...
09 September 2013 7,603 96 View
A picture can be pencil sketch, painting, camera image, frame from a video (any visual representation of the natural world). David Mumford, Pattern theory: The mathematics of perception, ICM...
09 September 2013 8,711 52 View
Repeated polygonal shapes or repeated colours are sources of visual patterns. Another important source of patterns are the presence of convex sets and convex hulls in digital images, especially...
08 August 2013 4,799 16 View
Here are is a sample technology without a history: Philips head vs. Roberts head wood screws. Philips head wood screw: see the attached image...
01 January 1970 5,951 8 View
In the Euclidean plane, a pair edges A,B are connected, provided there is a path that allows us to travel from A to B.
01 January 1970 4,461 2 View
It is apparent that many different shapes emerged from the metal craft of the bronze age. Sometimes these shapes (e.g., indentations in metal disks, neck collars, belt plates, pins and tutuli)...
01 January 1970 516 0 View
In the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, we know, for example, that the hue angles 0 deg (red), 120 deg (green) and 240 deg (blue) correspond to visible light colours. And every...
01 January 1970 8,612 3 View