Scroll down and you will find: Download the Source title list (it’s an Excel file…hmm.) with all thinkable information: title of the journal, its publisher, coverage info etc.
As mentioned by Amal Saadoon Majeed the SCImago site is, since it is "the publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.)", useful as well:
Somewhat out of scope but a warning here:
Some here refer to International Scientific Indexing (ISI):
This is a bogus impact factor (service)! It is misleadingly referring to the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) that use to provide indexing of major international journals and often referred to as ISI impact factor. It is nowadays the well-known Science Citation Index (SCI) that is provided by Clarivate. To make things even more complicated…Clarivate reinstated the name ISI “ISI is the ‘university’ of Web of Science Group at Clarivate Analytics”.