I did not have sufficient time to read all these mentioned topics, after searching for the method I found through that performing DNA extraction by three main general materials/solutions you will need:
a detergent, for example SDS (for animal cells) or CTAB (for plant cells, which have a cell wall). These detergents disturb the cell membrane by binding to the lipids in it and trapping them into micelles;
a salt, such as NaCl, which will bind to the backbone of DNA and neutralize its charges. This change in polarity will make the DNA insoluble in water;
some alcohol (ethanol, isopropanol…) to change the polarity of the medium, allowing for the DNA to precipitate.
файл subtopics.txt - 20 topics from scientific articles on DNA extraction from fungi
Here are 20 topics from the articles which contain words " dna extract " in title and and fungi in abstract. Each topic is presented with 20 words and 20 phrases as it is done in these articles.
As from privious experience not more then 30% of these topics will be useful for you.
Reading these topics will require efforts from you, since this is not a coherent presentation, and each topic is a list of substances, methods, theories, cases, etc. associated with this topic. Try to be patient, in the hope that new hypotheses and thoughts will appear.
I did not have sufficient time to read all these mentioned topics, after searching for the method I found through that performing DNA extraction by three main general materials/solutions you will need:
a detergent, for example SDS (for animal cells) or CTAB (for plant cells, which have a cell wall). These detergents disturb the cell membrane by binding to the lipids in it and trapping them into micelles;
a salt, such as NaCl, which will bind to the backbone of DNA and neutralize its charges. This change in polarity will make the DNA insoluble in water;
some alcohol (ethanol, isopropanol…) to change the polarity of the medium, allowing for the DNA to precipitate.