Simply saying is there is a direct relationship among them. If protein concen. increase so as the increase in the enzyme production (enzyme activity). Therefore there is a process called ''enzyme optimization''. In this process we optimize the extra-cellular or intracellular enzyme production by regulating various parameters. More protein means more enzyme in your production sample. Therefore it is recommend to calculate specific activity in-spite of calculating only enzyme acivity. In short, there is a positive correlation (r: +ve) between them. Hope u will be benefited.
all proteins are not enzymes and all enzymes are proteins so by quantifying the protein we can know concentration of enzyme in the medium it does not mean that more enzyme the specific activity will change it all depends on other factors.
Since all enzymes are proteins... the total concentration of protein can be comprised of both extra cellular, intracellular enzymes and other proteins too. out of this if u want to calculate the amount of extracellular enzyme with respect to total protein, you have to perform total protein assay (preferrably Bradford), then perform particular enzyme assay using the specific substrate and find out the enzyme activity(U/ml). then find out specific activity which reuires the concentration of protein.
Specific activity is the number of enzyme units per ml divided by the concentration of protein in mg/ml. Specific activity values are therefore quoted as units/mg.
Therefore specific activity of enzyme depends on the conc of proteins.
I agree with Ramya Nair. in general EXCEPT that specific activity not only depends upon protein concentration it depends upon both protein as well as enzyme activity.
in case of extracellular enzymes there is always positive relation between them. but it does not mean that the specific activity will be same in all conditions (it depends upon your fermentation parameters). we always try to increase protein secretion to get more enzyme in fermentation broth, but that doesn't necessarily means decreased specific activity.
Estimation of total protein give you the overall concentration of proteins which have been produced by living organisms and the total enzyme activity determine the concentration of particular enzyme produced which is protein in nature. So the specific activity of particular enzyme give information about the conc. of particular enzyme in per mg of protein. It mean that how much enzyme units are present in 1 mg of total protein.