I want to study the germination rate and time in different media and I would like to know number of seeds and replication, observations and the right protocol to conduct the mentioned study.
GERMINATOR: Use SIMPLE germinators (e.g. MOIST paper towels OR moist cloth towels to constitute germinators for EACH treatment).
TREATMENTS: Use 100 seeds for EACH treatment with MULTIPLE treatments of EACH species.
TIMING; Count time on a CALENDAR basis; initiating on day zero (0), examining each germinator EVERY day and counting number of germinating seeds in EACH germinaor, EVERY day.
I would use a total randomized statistical design with 4 replicates per media, sowing 100 seeds per replicate. The observations should be carried out daily counting the number of germinated seeds. It is important to carry out this design in order to perform a sound stastistical analysis.
I just did a study on lettuce seed germination and its priming under salt stress. If you have any concern, feel free to contact me. Below is the link od paper related to that research.
Preprint Seed Priming Enhances Seed Germination and Morphological Tra...