Organizational Identity provides an answer to “Who are we as an organization?” and refer to general beliefs about the organization held by organizational members.
Organizational reputation provides an answer to “What do stakeholders actually
think of the organization?” and refers to general beliefs about the organization actually held by others outside the organization.
Organizational image provides an answer to “What does the organization want others to think about the organization?” and describes general beliefs about the organization that organization leaders want important audiences to hold.
Perceived external prestige “What does the organization believe others think of the organization?” and refers to general beliefs that organization members believe others outside the organization hold about the organization.
Brown, T., Dacin, P., Pratt, M., & Whetten, D. (2006). Identity, intended Image, construed image, and reputation: An interdisciplinary framework and suggested terminology. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34, 99-106.