I´m searching for the definition of a knowledge graph related to the concept of ontology. Can a populated ontology, TBox + ABox be considered as a knowledge graph?
Hello Irlan, from my point of view, they aren't the same. Actually, I see a Knowledge Graph like a big RDF graph (the ontologies include axioms and other stuff). I had read several papers related to Knowledge Graph building process and it seems to be more likely a huge RDF graph. You can check a recent research paper about what is the definition of KG here: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1695/paper4.pdf. Also, this paper could be very interesting for you: DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1157185.
Hello Irlan, from my point of view, they aren't the same. Actually, I see a Knowledge Graph like a big RDF graph (the ontologies include axioms and other stuff). I had read several papers related to Knowledge Graph building process and it seems to be more likely a huge RDF graph. You can check a recent research paper about what is the definition of KG here: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1695/paper4.pdf. Also, this paper could be very interesting for you: DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1157185.