I am using a metric that takes a one time measure, but asks subjects to rate their past behavior numerically, their current behavior numerically, and their intended future behavior numerically.
Since past and current behaviors are not the same as intended behaviors in the future. What is the best way to compare the two?
Additionally, the measure is taking on the day of the treatment (a presentation of risk perception) and is designed as such-
Pre (#) Current (#) Future (#), with an anticipated change between the current and future categories, if the treatment is effective. However comparing current behaviors to future intent seems like a inefficient way to measure effectiveness. The metric is deployed in a quasi-experimental capacity as part of a mandatory program and thus has no control (other than the pre and current.
I have two problems- First, how best (statistically) to get the most out of this design. Second, I may need to redesign the measure entirely (I inherited it from my predecessor), what suggestions do you have about design?