My working theoretical paper for my Critical Existential Failure of Addiction and Recovery is very long and heavily sourced. Aside from the background introduction, are there any tips for scaling down theoretical papers for publishing in journals?
There are some advices that will help you to reduce the number of pages, sorry for interact with spanish and english but there is a text not writing by me:
I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. -- Mark Twain
El uso excesivo de palabras para comunicar una idea es un vicio del lenguaje oral que afecta la claridad y la brevedad del texto. Acostúmbrate a ser breve; nadie quiere leer de más, por el contrario, tus lectores quieren saber rápidamente qué hiciste y qué descubriste. En estos ejemplos la segunda oración dice lo mismo que la primera pero es más corta y fácil de entender:
Los suelos tropicales tienen un bajo contenido de materia orgánica. Los suelos tropicales tienen poca materia orgánica.
Los hongos se colocan dentro del Reino Fungi. Los hongos pertenecen al Reino Fungi.
The following are plants which have not been recorded previously from Belize.
The following plants are unrecorded from Belize.
At no time did we ever fail to locate the owls. We always located the owls.
Caves were classified as cool (where temperatures range from 19-22 ºC) or hot (where temperatures range from 26-40 ºC). Caves were classified as cool (19-22 ºC) or hot (26º- 40ºC).
Las siguientes frases verbosas abundan en la comunicación oral y escrita. Las traducciones al español o al inglés son igualmente verbosas.
A pesar del hecho que= Aunque
Durante el transcurso de= Durante
En la vecindad de= Cerca
Es capaz de= Puede
Estudios realizados por Platt (1998) demostraron que= Platt (1998) demostró que
Posee la habilidad para= Puede
Se ha encontrado evidencia= Hay evidencia
Se hizo una comparación= Se comparó
Tiene el potencial de= Puede
Tiene un ritmo de crecimiento rápido= Crece rápido
Un gran número de= Muchos
A considerable amount of= Many
A large amount of= Many
At this point in time= Now
In a manner similar to= As
In order to= To
In a similar fashion as= Like
In light of the fact that= Because
Not present at all= Absent
Owing to the fact that= Because
Significant numbers of= Many
In the event that= If
It is our expectation that we will finally be able to= We expect to
No earlier than= After
They are commonly found= They are common
They are going to= They will
They have a predilection for= They prefer
They have been shown to be= They are
They have been shown to posses= They posses
They have been shown to support= They support
Was found to vary= varied
With the objective of= To
TEXTO TOMADO DEL: Manual de redacción científica. José A. Mari Mutt
Departamento de Biología, Universidad de Puerto Rico Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Try to make an elongated abstract of your paper, which summarizes the purpose of the study, the research questions, research method, findings and discussion and conclusions, and start from there.
To elaborate on George's input, publish separate papers ,one or each theme and link them through succession of papers e,g, why existential therapy important for addiction; Other models and their relative usefulness;what is your approach to this paper and why ?
Hope this helps!
You should write a thesis as your approach paper sounds like a good Thesis outline.