Hi all,
Had a quick question regarding the development of some metrics/benchmarks via survey analysis.
Essentially, I'm developing a questionnaire designed to measure program outcomes and evaluating the effectiveness of said program. However, I'm at a bit of a crossroads, because the questionnaire will be sent to two different age groups (7-10 and 14 to 18). One of the items, for instance, would read "do you feel like you learn new skills in this program?")
The 7-10 age group will receive a 3-point Likert scale questionnaire ("Yes", "Sometimes", "Not Really"), where was the older age group will receive that same question, but with more response options (“Always”, “Often”, “Sometimes”, “Rarely”, “Never”).
The reasoning behind the different response options is to minimize cognitive load for the younger age group.
My question is, would to collapsing the response options "Always"/"Often" and "Rarely"/"Never" into one group (such as "Yes" and "Not Really", so it the response options for the older group would be on the same scale as the the one for the younger age group? Or would best practices suggest to analyze the forms separately to keep the data as clean as possible?
Thank you in advance!