Dear Jadson Belem de Moura , please clarify, what kind of analysis you are going to do? What are the aims of the study. There are many methods, as there are many particular goals to achieve in the field.
Hello Maria V. Kozlova . Thanks for the reply. Precisely because of the variety of methods I am in doubt. I work with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Brazilian savannah region. And there are few studies with orchid fungi in this biome. I want to study this area. Initially I would like to make a survey of local biodiversity and ecological interactions with the native orchids of the cerrado.
Jadson Belem de Moura, Still not clear enough, if you are going to examine host-fungus interaction? On what level? Mycorrhizal structure? Compound exchange between host and fungus? Fungal specific metabolites? Genetic diversity of mycorrhizal fungi? Species definition by different kinds of analysis? Spatial distribution of species? Anything else? Maybe there is a certain regional problem like orchid populations decrease to find a background of this? Finally, what equipment is available to you? All of this influence the choice of methodology.
Separar con asepsia, porciones de las más finas ramificaciones de las estructuras de anclaje (especies de raíces), y sembrar en medio de cultivo PDA; con frecuencia se obtiene el género Rhizoctonia y Glomus