8 Questions 131 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Maria V. Kozlova
Hello, Does anyone know any sources of the multispectral/panchromatic satellite imagery, dated before 2000, which provide higher spatial resolution, than 30-60m (Landsat 1-5). We contacted Scanex,...
23 February 2021 4,702 8 View
Hello everybody, I need to produce a binary raster based on the automatically detected threshold value in Qgis from the 8-bit and 12-bit rasters obtained by the water index calculation on the...
09 August 2018 1,363 1 View
Dear all, This specimen is found in the marshy habitats near the dam, which crosses the left Ob' sleeves, as well as on the left-beach floodplain, downstream the dam in Labytnangi town,...
04 October 2017 1,717 8 View
Dear colleagues, I'm searching for the papers regarded to the question or any other information about Cirsium species which are able to produce milky juice. I had some papers and a review but...
22 September 2016 1,449 3 View
Dear colleagues, I'm asking for guidance about the software for S2 image processing due to its file format and the structure of metadata. Thank you in advance, Maria
20 May 2016 2,313 6 View
Dear friends! is it possible to extract xy coordinates of points from the vector point file (esri shapefile) or .gpx file in a format (row/column) corresponded to certain Landsat image. More...
15 December 2015 2,141 8 View
Dear colleagues, Can someone give me any references to the sources for Rayleigh scattering values for DOS3 atmospheric correction of Landsat images or suggest some ways to measure it? I know...
03 April 2015 6,414 2 View
Dear colleagues! My question is about Channel 1 of Landsat 8 supposed to visualise coastal aerosols. I cannot find any evidence that such valuable information, as coastal aerosols ( anyway, such...
06 February 2015 5,485 3 View