I studied inhalational anesthesia in rats (6 weeks old) and I used 1 MAC isoflurane or sevoflurane and found no drastic changes in liver, kidneys or lung (a moderate congestion at most).
Inhalant anesthesia may be safe both for ultra short ( 6 hours) procedures. For longer periods of anesthesia, it may be necessary to ventilate the animal.
1. Induce anesthesia in an induction box.
2. Use an adult mouse facemask adjusted for neonate. Or use the EZ-103A Microflex Breather and shave off a small amount to shorten the mask to fit the neonate. 5
3. Administer isoflurane at 1.5 – 2.5% in 100% oxygen.
4. Place neonate on warm pad or circulating warm water pad.
5. During the recovery phase, turn off inhalant gas before oxygen.
I used Medetomidine(0.5 mg/kg) + ketamine (75 mg/kg) in one syringe I/P. At the end surgery, I reversed the medetomidine action with atipamezole. It is too safe regimen.
All laboratory conditions should be taken into account, especially rat's body temperature.