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Questions related to Medical Pharmacology
I'm wondering how i can find an updated list of FDA-approved drugs for example, proton pump inhibitors, Topoisomerase inhibitors or whatever category.
30 May 2018 442 5 View
Many physicians prescribe for the same patient anti-cough drug (Dextromethorphan or Dihydrocodeine) with mucolytic drug (Mucosolvan or Bisolvon or Prospan)?I think that cough is necessary...
14 December 2016 4,480 6 View
In the current era, the precision medicine initiative is stressed as being a priority for the best medical care one can practice/get. In addition, a statistical method called bootstrapping with...
04 July 2016 4,372 4 View
I am a external research scholar in Medical pharmacology. I need cilostazole gift sample for my thesis. Can you please suggest me which companies and providing and how to approach. Thanking you
28 June 2016 1,287 3 View
if I have this information, how to calculate the ampicillin potency? Certificate of AnalysisProduct Name: AMPICILLIN SODIUM SALTMolecular Formula: C16H18N3NaO4SMolecular Mass: 371.39TEST...
06 March 2016 5,782 3 View
Hello, I have patient who took SSRIs for a short period ( Prozac, Cipram) for anxiety. But He got chronic insomnia now for at least 10 years now. Do you know why He got this side effect? Best...
30 January 2016 2,925 3 View
Warfarin crosses the placental barrier so it contraindicated in pregnancy, as well as phenindione (seldom used) which crosses placenta as well. In some books, it is mentioned that dicumarol do not...
04 January 2016 2,139 4 View
In the case of major depressive disorder treatment (MDD) a full remission is main goal of the treatment, however about 2/3 of patients fail to achieve remission in first year of the treatment with...
03 January 2016 8,885 18 View
how the lactone ring in the structure formed in nature
24 December 2015 7,925 3 View
Does anyone have any information about new drugs from these classes?
24 December 2015 2,786 2 View
According to one of Garin Sahip's studies, Rheumatology International 28(3):289-91 · January 2008, the safest combination of Colchicine is with Simvastatin. My question is: does anybody have any...
21 November 2015 3,577 8 View
Have you treated effectively Large abscesses on the border of seg. VII & VIII of the liver pharmacologically -empirically chosen antibiotic therapy?
14 November 2015 3,632 3 View
Most local anaesthetics are weak bases, with a pKa between 8 and 9, so that they are mainly but not completely ionised at physiological pH.your comments
14 November 2015 9,712 6 View
Fluid milk is preserved by antibiotic in some rural areas in many countries to extends its shelf-life, most of these areas lack sufficient hygienic practices during handling of milk. Contamination...
28 October 2015 5,641 10 View
Aspirin and numerous NSAIDs, including acetaminophen and those inhibiting selectively COX-2, are amongst the most commonly consumed drugs on the planet. Aspirin at doses less than 100 mg per day...
03 October 2015 2,268 6 View
I want to create a dose-response curve to show the effect of dexamethasone on inflammation in THP-1 cells. However, I can't seem to find appropriate concentrations of dexamethasone to try in any...
24 September 2015 5,124 2 View
Can we compress the tablets to any hardness we like or there is any specific requirement for the hardness?
30 July 2015 8,931 9 View
A new protocol using Bactrim and Metronidazol after a few days of IV antibiotics in children with gangrenous or perforated acute appendicitis was carried out at the Pediatric Surgery Service of...
12 June 2015 1,532 15 View
I am with a view that plasma or brain exposure of a CNS drug remain same at ED50 when it was dosed orally or subcutaneously... But I am not with such result, plz justify the reason for variability..
11 May 2015 819 18 View
I am Working about assay medicin in plasma with a UV Spectrophotometry but what I want to know if their a possibility to work on extract way or to work directly the probleme i have i haven't any...
06 May 2015 7,738 7 View
Animal study has demonstrated complete pulpal healing with and without complete tertiary dentin bridge formation. If most carious dentin is removed and an adequate synthetic seal is provided, is...
24 February 2015 9,765 5 View
USP methods are usually validated and needs only system suitability test. But the question do really they need validation?
21 January 2015 9,769 3 View
We know that magnesium level is hihg in CKD patients. in all CKD groups (stage 3-4 and HD, PD patients) Does anyone have experience about the use of phosphate binders containing magnesium?
15 January 2015 6,815 4 View
Any one who could suggest why norfloxacin is made as exception for treatment of Infections of soft tissues, bones, and joints?
31 December 2014 7,833 9 View