Me Meets the following definition of Satisfaction:
Feeling of well-being or pleasure when you have fulfilled a desire or covered a need.
In achieving satisfaction, the mental functioning of the human being is in harmony. Satisfaction contributes to happiness while, on the contrary, dissatisfaction generates suffering.
There are many ways of being Satisfied with Life?, and the way is different for each person:
It depends on your inheritance, your innate abilities, your "cradle," family values,
Also from the moment he was born and live, where economic, political and cultural circumstances.
Likewise, satisfaction and achievements in life depend on their education and training, as well as the full development of all their potentialities.
For the above it is convenient to remember regarding Satisfaction, its Meaning and how it is achieved in Life; a simple sentence of Jose Ortega y Gasset:
"Man is He and His Circumstance"
Jose Luis
Estimado Iqbal Thonse Hawaldar
Me Satisface la siguiente definición de Satisfacción:
Sentimiento de bienestar o placer que se tiene cuando se ha colmado un deseo o cubierto una necesidad.
Al alcanzar la satisfacción, el funcionamiento mental del ser humano se encuentra en armonía. La satisfacción contribuye a la felicidad mientras que, por el contrario, la insatisfacción genera sufrimiento.
Hay muchos caminos de ¿Como Estar Satisfecho con la Vida?, y el camino es diferente para cada persona:
Depende de su herencia, de sus capacidades innatas, de "su cuna", de los valores familiares,
También del momento en que le tocó nacer y vivir, donde inciden circunstancias económicas, políticas y culturales.
Asimismo, la satisfacción y logros en la vida dependen de su educación y formación, amén del pleno desarrollo de todas sus potencialidades.
Por lo anterior conviene recordar respecto de la Satisfacción, su Significado y como se Logra en la Vida; una sencilla sentencia de José Ortega y Gasset:
A. Maslow's pyramid basically formulates the answer, in technical terms. Henry George's observation, however, relates to the nature of the human psyche. The model of the mass consumer society shows that people do not get happier and healthier by consumption alone. Without moving forward and growing spiritually, men will never get satisfied, in terms of mental peace, harmony and appropriate ethical deeds.
I would try to answer it in the simplest possible manner as a layman.
When you learn to control your desires and stop being affected by what others might think about you, then only you can move towards attaining satisfaction.
Examination of Life Satisfaction, Child Maltreatment Potential and Substance Use in Mothers Referred for Treatment by Child Protective Services for Child Neglect and Substance Abuse: Implications for Intervention Planning
DOI 10.1007/s11482-015-9398-7
Article Examination of Life Satisfaction, Child Maltreatment Potenti...
Santosha (skt. संतोष saṃtoṣa, santōṣḥ) literally means "contentment, satisfaction". It is also an ethical concept in Indian philosophy, particularly Yoga, where it is included as one of the Niyamas by Patanjali.
Santosha, sometimes spelled Santosa, is a combination word in Sanskrit, derived from Saṃ (सं, सम्) and Tosha (तोष, तुष्, tuṣh). SaM, means "completely", "altogether" or "entirely", and Tosha, "contentment", "satisfaction", "acceptance", "being comfortable". Combined, the word Santosha means "completely content with, or satisfied with, accepting and comfortable". Other words based on the root Tuṣht (तुष्टः), such as Santusht (सन्तुष्ट) and Tushayati (तुष्यति) are synonymous with Santosha, and found in ancient and medieval era Indian texts.
Isaacs translates Santosha as “contentment, accepting one's circumstances”. Woods describes it as the lack of Trsna (तृष्णा, craving) and desiring that which is necessary for one's life, while translating verse II.42 and II.32 of Yoga Sutrās, respectively. Others define it as an attitude of contentment, one of understanding and accepting oneself and one's environment and circumstances as they are, a spiritual state necessary for optimism and effort to change the future. Bhatta clarifies Santosha as inner contentment, a state of inner peace.
Yoga Darshana, which includes commentary of Rishi Vyasa on Patanjali's Yogasutra, defines contentment as the inner state where, "exists a joyful and satisfied mind regardless of one's environment, whether one meets with pleasure or pain, profit or loss, fame or contempt, success or failure, sympathy or hatred".
The answer to his question regarding Satisfaction and how to be Satisfied of Life (I say Happy Life), has had an enthusiastic participation and correct answers on the subject, even though the satisfaction and the happy life individual and subjective variables are felt and qualified for each person according to their experience of life.
In summary, for my Satisfaction is the fulfillment of Needs and demands, both physical and psychological and spiritual; starting from the most elemental to survive, to the highest of personal self-realization.
If satisfying these needs and demands throughout life, the person will have an adequate quality of life, be creative and innovative, have family and friends and be human and effective in their relationships with others.
Jose Luis
Estimado Iqbal Thonse Hawaldar
La respuesta a su pregunta respecto de Satisfacción y como estar Satisfecho de la Vida (digo yo Vida Feliz), ha tenido una entusiasta participación y acertadas respuestas en torno al tema, aún siendo la satisfacción y la vida feliz variables individuales y subjetivas sentidas y calificadas por cada persona según su experiencia de vida.
En síntesis, para mi Satisfacción es el cumplimiento de Necesidades y Demandas, tanto físicas como psicológicas y espirituales; partiendo de los más elemental para sobrevivir, hasta las más elevadas de auto-realización personal.
Si se cumplen a Satisfacción dichas necesidades y demandas a lo largo de la vida, la persona tendrá una adecuada calidad de vida, será creativa e innovadora, tendrá familia y amigos y será humano y eficaz en sus relaciones con los demás.
when we take our last breath we should feel that we have been completely used up...that is the good to others....serve the people in need....
2.Be open to change. Those who change at least one of their viewpoints or behaviors every few months are more likely to look to the future with hope and positivity.
3.Look at things from a new perspective. By attempting to look at seemingly negative situations in a positive light, you can change your thought processes over time. This may help you to feel more satisfied because you’re putting a positive filter on the people, events, and situations in your life.
4.Recognize that having more doesn’t ensure happiness. Reflect on those who you know that are wealthy and those who aren’t as fortunate. There are many people who have less than you but still manage to have a positive outlook on life.
Method (2) Interacting with others:
1.Invest in friendships. Studies have shown that having several close friendships significantly increase people’s optimism and life satisfaction.
2.Accept loved ones for who they are. You may wish that your spouse would be more organized or that your child would be more athletic.
3.Don’t compare yourself to others. Most of the people that you come in contact with are on a different path or at a different stage of life than you are.
4.Keep in mind that people often omit negativity on social media. When scrolling through all of the happy faces and fun adventures posted on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites, it’s easy to get jealous.
5.Volunteer to serve others. Helping others can lift your spirits and give you a sense of purpose.
Method(3) Embracing Simplicity:
1.Incorporate non-material joys into your life. Start by making a list of all the things you love that don’t require or involve money.
2.Buy what you need and not what you want. Struggling financially can often lead to unhappiness in life.
3.Desire what you have. Instead of focusing on all of the things you don’t have, try to focus on all of the things you do have.
We don't create ourselves, there is a creator who created us as he wants. If we completely accept every single thing he gave us either good or bad without complaint, this is the satisfaction as I see it.
It is a hell the life of a blind person who doesn't accept his/her blindness and always complains about it and envies others for the fortune they can see.
I think the looking at things from a new perspective. By attempting to look at seemingly negative situations in a positive light, you can change your thought processes over time. This may help you to feel more satisfied because you’re putting a positive filter on the people, events, and situations in your life.
Also I completely agree with all previous answers...
In addition, If you keep worrying whether you "can do it" or not, you will die with your dreams still not fulfilled, but if you are bold and don't care about what people might say/do. And doing what you want to do then you will reap the benefit of your bravery/boldness.
Many studies have touched on the importance of human satisfaction when he is satisfied and satisfied with his way of life. His success has increased and his happiness has improved.
So I talk to our young colleagues that the person regrets spending a lot of time at work, focusing on his professional duties, keeping him away from his family and friends, and not expressing his feelings for those he loves. To live in cooperation with others and in an exchange of respect and love is necessary, but their priorities should not be necessary in his life, because he will eventually regret that he has not lived as he wishes.
As human beings we all are fortunate that we all have born with our mind ,brain ,conscious mind ,inner urge & divinity within us for our progressive life of success .While covering they are certain percentage of human beings who are not fully cover up with the mind & brain & as such they have to remain in their own condition where is mind .
With the importance of our life for our progress & development including the pleasurable environment for our family & also created with the society generally we as human being are passing the life .But we have our limitation & as a member of society we also deserve to go for the admission which we are observing with other members of the society & if we are lacking in such cases we unfortunately are passing under dissatisfaction phase .
In such cases as human beings we have to carry out our own introspection in an impartial manner so that we can know our limitation & after knowing this you may not a chance or all the dissatisfaction . If dissatisfaction disappear we may move towards satisfaction which may help us to keep our mind calm & quite which may subsequently help us for coming out our hidden potentiality for our successful career & in such cases for the development of the mind,satisfaction may help us for our growth & development .
Dear Iqbal, satisfaction is a relative concept. While you can be satisfied in one are in your live, you can be unsatisfied in another. Thus, satisfaction is different for everyone. However, it is hard to be satisfied in this world. In my opinion you are good till you are fine with yourself.