I am looking to estimate the free thiols in my Polymer using the NTSB assay ( Thannhauser et. al. , Methods in Enzymology, 143 , 115 – 119) . In this assay the chromophoric agent is NTB which produced after reacting with free thiol in the analyate. The ratio of NTB to analyate is 1:1 , and hence measuring NTB concentration amounts to measuring the analyte's concentration.

I have tried to measure the concentration of a known sample (Beta mercaptoethanol and glutathione) using the molar extinction coefficient (E) mentioned in the literature. Unfortunately, the E value mentioned varies from paper to paper(13900 Mcm-1 or 13600 Mcm-1). As a result of that, the concentration obtained from spectroscopy doesn't match the actual concentration. I have thought of making a standard curve and comparing the value of the unknown analyate to that standard curve. Since the concentration values of BME and glutathione do not match the expected values, they are off the candidate list. Do you have suggestions on a free thiol (-SH) standard?

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