What does the XRD peak at 43 signify in PVDF-HFP? I want to know which phase I have from this XRD report, but I don't understand why the 43 peak is showing.
Please include all required details in this question: What is the x-ray wave length (2Theta angles are meaningless with out wave length) , what is the diffractometer type (Debye-Scharrer geometry versus Bragg-Brentano, Manufacturer) including primary / secondary monochromatization (yes/no/ filtered radiation) , sample support, amount of sample especially thickness.
A guess is that this might be a reflection from a sample support?
Run an empty measurement or one with a different polymer under otherwise identical conditions to confirm that the 43°@CuKa?) reflection remains invariant. Run the measurement up to 120° degrees to see if further Bragg reflections show up, this would be needed to identify.