The NCBI SRA (Short-Read Archive) database has many Next Generation Sequencing datasets, most of which are from RNA-Seq studies. You can download the FASTQ files using the sra-toolkit, and some of the records also have links to the GEO databases cited by Albolfazi Bahrami.
I would also recommend "MyGenomeSpace" which has links to repositories and different free gene analysis and visualization tools. I attach a partial screen view. The "IGV" is the one I use to load RNAseq data to visualy compare gene expression between different experimental groups
UPDATE: Unfortunately this page was closed due to lack of funding (yes the Broad Institute at MIT, the same that patented CRISPR has no money to keep a webpage that serves the scientific community). The individual programs are still available (you can google them)
I agree with Abolfazl Bahrami's suggestion to search GEO for studies that may be of interest and collect the GEO series or SRA project accession numbers. Then you can search for those studies at databases such as: