We are looking for a lab to send human microbiome samples to that can quantify specific bacterial types from . We need a company you have found to be reliable, cost effective and reputable.
I have used MR DNA Lab before and been happy with their lower cost and service. Their website is http://www.mrdnalab.com/ and it is helpful for you to review as well. Just keep good records of bills/payments as several years ago they did lose records of a payment. They are helpful and willing to work with you on your requests, even if they are not standard.
Sally Irwin I have a question of understanding. If you have a metagenomics sample from human, how do you want to sequence only single bacteria in metagenomics sample?
Are you thinking to isolate pure culture and then sequence or what is your plan. That is the major question here if you want to proceed what and how you want to sequence.