12 September 2017 5 8K Report

I'm currently trying to assemble a plasmid with my insert. The plasmid is the SAGFF (6293bp) and my inserts I want to insert (individually) are 2300bp and 3000bp.

I have used both a 1:2 and 1:3 ratio, but my minipreps are negative for inserts when digested with enzymes.

I have a feeling that it's a concentration problem which is leading me to assemble with faulty concentrations. I suspect it's our photometer and unfortunately, the nanodrop is also out of order at the moment. The readings I'm getting are on average at a 1:200 dilution

0.8 ug/ml for the 6kb plasmid

0.3 ug/ml for the 3kb insert

1.1 ug/ml for the 2.3kb insert

I'm assuming these values are quite high after PCR purification and the photometer is giving inaccurate readings. The concentrations agree with my gel electrophoresis as both the plasmid and 2.3kb insert showed strong amplfication.

Any suggestions? Should I try 1:3 ratio and/or run it longer? 


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