Hello, I'm trying to do a TRAP staining of mouse femora embedded in paraffin. The bones were fixed for 1 week in 4% buffered paraformaldehyde before they were embedded. After deparaffinization I first incubated the slides in TRAP staining buffer (40mM sodium actetate, 200mM di-sodium tartrate-dihydrat, pH 5,0) for 30min and then in TRAP staining solution (0,5mM Naphthol-AS-MX-phosphate, 3mM Fast Red Violet LB Salt, 2% di-methyleformamide, 1% Triton X-100) for 2,5h. Now I can see a lot of red structures and it looks more like a smear than like osteoclasts. Can anybody help my with the interpretation? Did I incubate the TRAP staining solution too long?